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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 統計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/30941
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    Title: 分量迴歸之應用--以台灣地區製造業普查資料為例
    Authors: 林芳如
    Contributors: 鄭宗記
    Keywords: 中小企業
    small and medium size enterprises
    quantile regression
    market shares
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14
    Abstract: 中小企業在臺灣經濟發展過程中,扮演著舉足輕重的地位。中小企業向為台灣經濟發展之基石,其所具備的靈活、彈性、進可攻、退可守等優點,是帶動台灣整體經濟快速發展的重要因素。另一方面,由於中小企業規模不大、人才與資金資源較為缺乏等,因此營運上相較大企業不易。長久以來,中小企業一直是台灣經濟發展的主體,在台灣經濟發展的成長或產業發展過程中,不論在拓展對外貿易、增加國民所得、提高人民生活水準或是在創造就業機會、促進社會安定,中小企業均有卓越之貢獻。
    本研究透過台灣工商普查資料,以產業為基本單位,利用長期且完整的時間序列資料,探討中小企業市場占有率的變動情形,並藉由普通最小平方迴歸及分量迴歸,分析1991年、1996年及2001年中小企業市場占有率之決定因素。以普通最小平方迴歸的方式來估計中小企業市場占有率時,會忽略其條件分配的差異。由實証結果發現,1991年、1996年及2001年中小企業相對其產業之平均勞動生產力(RL)對於中小企業市場占有率為顯著的正向影響,而產業出口比例(EX) 及產業平均年齡(AG)對於中小企業市場占有率為顯著的負向影響,在這10年間此三變數一直為重要的影響因素;產業加工收入與營收比(XR)與產業加工支出與薪資比(XE)皆屬分包制度的指標ㄧ,由三年合併的模型來看,此兩變數皆在中小企業市占率偏中低的產業有著顯著的正向影響。
    In the process of Taiwan economic development, small and medium size enterprises play very significant positions. In general, they are the foundations of Taiwan’s economy. With their flexible and efficiency manufacturing characteristics, small and medium size enterprises are the most contributors for Taiwan’s economic growth. However, as they are recognized as lack of financial capital and human resources, it is more difficult for them to manage their operations than big size enterprises. The small and medium size enterprises have occupied a significant proportion of Taiwan economy system for a long time. In the history of economy and industry development in Taiwan, the small and medium size enterprises have remarkable contributions in many aspects, such as the growth of foreign trade, national income and work opportunity, the improvement of the living standard, or the stability of society.
    This study base on census data which have long-term and complete time series data to seek the changes of market shares of small and medium size enterprises and to analyze the determinants of market shares of small and medium size enterprises in 1991、1996 and 2001 by OLS regression and quantile regression. We employ quantile regression to capture the behavior at each quantile of conditional distribution. According to the data result, RL is significant positive effect on market shares of small and medium size enterprises, while EX and AG is significant negative effect on it in 1991、1996 and 2001. These three variables are important factors during the past 10 years. XR and XE both are indications of sub-contracting system. As result of three-year combination model, these two variables are significant positive effect on market shares of small and medium size enterprises which belong to the industry of small and medium quantiles.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923540081
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