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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 統計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/30889
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    Title: 上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用
    Authors: 連婉君
    Contributors: 鄭宇庭

    Keywords: 藥物交互作用
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14
    Abstract: 藥物交互作用,輕則產生副作用或導致治療效果的降低,重者甚至會造成死亡或引發致命性的危險,這個問題確實值得引起大家的關注,尤其台灣醫師在開藥數目上較國外醫師來的多,引發藥物交互的機率也因而來的更高,如果能透過數據將此問題的嚴重性表露出來,且對此問題提出對策,對國內醫療品質的提升會是一大幫助。
    在統計分析的部分,從各個不同的角度來探討上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用現象,包括病患的基本資料,如:性別、年齡…,就醫行為,如:就醫月份、就分,開藥行為,如:開藥日份、開藥品項;至於 資料採礦分析的部分,則是利用C5.0決策樹,來找出高危險群;最後,針對整體中最容易產生高危險交互作用的藥物組,對其藥效、藥物機轉…等做說明。
    Drug interactions, to a lesser extent, could cause side effects or reduce the drug efficiency, to a greater extent, is life-threatening or could lead to fatality. This issue deserves the attention from the medical personnel and us, the users. The prescription practice in Taiwan more often than not gives out relatively high doses of medications than those of the practice in North America. Consequently the risk of having drug interactions increases respectively. If we could bring the attention of the related party into this alarming situation with the supporting statistical numbers, then hopefully we could set off the stage for a better medical treatment in Taiwan.
    We used the data from National Health Insurance database, selecting data only on the patients contracting respiratory system disease which sit for the largest portion in the database. We examine the data using statistical and data mining techniques in an attempt to extract the data on drug interactions and turn the number into useful information for the benefit of all related parties.
    In light of the statistical analysis, we have in depth analysis of the drug interactions on medications used in upper respiratory tract from different perspective such as patient’s record which includes age, the frequency in seeing the physician, details on drug prescription. As for the analysis, data mining technique used is C5.0 decision tree in determining the group at risk for getting the side effects of drug interactions. Moreover, we also have summarized the list of drugs that have shown the tendency to induce drug interaction so that extra caution should be taken when administering these groups of medications.
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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    National Center for Health Statistics
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091354023
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[統計學系] 學位論文

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