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Title: | 社群媒體時代的古著文化消費 The Cultural Consumption of Vintage in the Age of Social Media |
Authors: | 陳子瑩 Chen, Tzu-Ying |
Contributors: | 柯裕棻 Ko, Yu-Fen 陳子瑩 Chen, Tzu-Ying |
Keywords: | 古著 二手衣 復古時尚 懷舊 文化消費 社群媒體 Vintage Second-hand clothing Retro fashion Nostalgia Cultural consumption Social media |
Date: | 2025 |
Issue Date: | 2025-03-03 14:50:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探索在台灣年輕世代間蔚為風潮的古著文化和消費,以及社群媒體於當中扮演的角色。筆者深度訪談了九位古著文化圈的行家,包含店主、穿搭客以及文化推廣帳號的經營者。同時也親身在線上和線下的場域參與古著文化並進行觀察與紀錄,藉此理解古著的文化脈絡以及參與者們的行動和觀點。 首先,本文以集體的面向分析古著文化消費。指出台灣的古著消費不僅包含對過往美國的懷想與追求,更連結到受美式文化深刻影響的本土記憶,反映出多元又混雜的本土認同。其次,古著文化圈的話語權長期以來皆較為集中,行家們多視美製品為正統,進而讓其他文化脈絡的舊物難以進入這套價值體系。然而,社群媒體的運作模式讓古著文化的界線受到鬆動。行家們認為平台機制一方面不利於推廣資訊量大的古著文化,另一方面促進了資訊含糊但具娛樂性的內容。他們擔憂一般大眾對古著文化的認知因此受到混淆,進而傷害古著文化和消費市場的發展。最後,古著文化珍視的核心價值為本真性與反思性。行家們強調對物件資訊和背景脈絡的認知,主張行動是基於個人獨立思考而非盲從、跟風的結果,並藉此辨認圈內群體、區隔他者。 This study explores the cultural consumption of vintage in Taiwan and the role of social media that shapes it. This research conducted in-depth interviews with nine key figures in the vintage culture, including shop owners, stylists, and a cultural promotion account operator. Participatory observation in both online and offline contexts provided further insights into vintage culture, participants' actions, and their perspectives. First, this study examines vintage clothing consumption from a collective perspective. Vintage consumption in Taiwan connects to local memories deeply influenced by American culture, reflecting a diverse and hybrid local identity. Secondly, the discourse within the vintage fashion community has been dominated by insiders who regard "Made in U.S.A." as the standard of legitimacy. As a result, items from other cultures struggle to gain recognition within this value system. However, social media have blurred the boundaries of vintage culture. The insiders note that social platforms accelerate the dissemination of entertaining content with less information, hindering the promotion of in-depth knowledge of vintage culture. This has led to their concerns that the vintage culture may be misunderstood by the public, therefore harming its development and the market. Finally, the core values of vintage culture are authenticity and reflexivity. The insiders emphasize the understanding of an item’s history, advocating independent thinking over trend-following. These values help insiders identify their community and differentiate themselves from outsiders. |
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