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    Title: 播客成為發聲行動:臺灣女性播客主的性別意識實踐
    Podcasting: Gender Consciousness Practices of Taiwan Female Podcasters
    Authors: 林羿心
    Lin, Yi-Hsin
    Contributors: 王增勇

    Lin, Yi-Hsin
    Keywords: 臺灣女性播客主
    Taiwanese female podcasters
    gender consciousness practices
    sound influence
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-09-04 14:33:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣在疫情流行期間掀起播客浪潮。本研究探討播客平台的聲音影響力,進而洞見現代臺灣女性的性別困境。本研究針對10位談論職場與婚姻交友經驗的臺灣女性播客主,以及17位聽眾,以參與觀察法與半結構式訪談法進行資料蒐集,並以主題分析作為資料分析。研究發現臺灣女性播客主在職場與婚姻交友的性別經驗中,存在父權體制中的性別框架,對當代臺灣女性有所限制。臺灣女性播客主運用音聲特質與談話風格,透過播客節目傳達性別理念。聽眾收聽播客節目時,對播客主談論的話題產生共感,播客主與聽眾間具有共鳴。透過播客主與聽眾間的共鳴,在聽眾的回饋中體現聲音影響力。播客成為臺灣女性抒發情緒與訴苦的線上空間。從聽眾回饋中的共鳴,看見臺灣人受到性別框架與社會期待的情緒壓抑。播客節目成為播客主與聽眾相互影響與交流的媒介。
    Taiwan witnessed a surge in podcasting during the pandemic outbreak. This study aims to explore the auditory influence of podcast platforms and thereby gain insights into the gender struggles of contemporary Taiwanese women. Ten Taiwanese female podcasters discussing experiences in the workplace, marriage, and socializing, along with 17 listeners, were targeted for data collection using participatory observation and semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. The study reveals that Taiwanese female podcasters encounter gender experiences influenced by patriarchal frameworks in the realms of the workplace and social relationships, which impose constraints on contemporary Taiwanese women. Taiwanese female podcasters utilize vocal characteristics and conversational styles to convey gender ideologies through podcast programs. Listeners resonate with topics discussed by podcast hosts, fostering a sense of resonance between hosts and listeners. Through this resonance between podcasters and listeners, the auditory influence is manifested in listener feedback. Podcasts serve as online spaces for Taiwanese women to express emotions and grievances. The resonance evident in listener feedback highlights emotional suppression stemming from gender frameworks and societal expectations. Podcast programs serve as mediums for mutual influence and communication between podcasters and listeners.
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