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    Title: 設計思維導入企業成長策略–以華碩產品演進為個案研究
    Introducing Design Thinking into Corporate Growth Strategies - A Case Study of ASUS Product Evolution
    Authors: 魏玄武
    Wei, Hsuan-Wu
    Contributors: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Wei, Hsuan-Wu
    Keywords: 設計思維
    Design Thinking
    Growth Strategies
    Product Evolution
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-08-05 12:37:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在快速變遷的商業環境中,企業需持續創新以滿足消費者需求並實現增長。設計思維(Design Thinking)是一種以人為本的創新方法,幫助企業洞察用戶需求、優化產品體驗和提升品牌價值。華碩作為全球領先的科技公司,透過卓越技術和創新產品,在國際科技市場中保持重要地位。華碩設計中心屢獲國際設計大獎,證明了設計思維在創新開發及產品設計中的成功應用。研究華碩運用設計思維推動產品創新和企業成長策略,具有實務代表性和重要意義。分析其代表性產品設計思維實踐,可了解其如何滿足用戶期望、解決技術挑戰並實現商業價值。然而,面對科技巨頭的激烈競爭以及人工智慧、量子計算和生態系統服務等新興科技趨勢帶來的挑戰,華碩能否持續運用設計思維探索未來發展方向,並保持市場競爭優勢,值得深入探討。在此背景下,本研究的主要動機和目的在於系統化分析華碩歷年來的代表性產品及其在不同發展階段運用設計思維的實際成效,達到:1.推廣設計思維的應用,促使更多企業和從業者瞭解並受益;2.驗證設計思維在成功企業中的價值實踐,並分析其成功應用模式;3.剖析驅動華碩創新並獲取市場競爭優勢的關鍵因素;4.借鑒華碩的成功經驗,探索將設計思維理念更好地融入未來競爭策略的最佳實踐路徑。總之,設計思維不應僅被視為提升價值的工具,而是一股推動策略變革和創新的強大力量!
    In a rapidly changing business environment, companies must continuously innovate to meet consumer needs and achieve growth. Design Thinking, a human-centered innovation method, aids businesses in understanding user needs, optimizing product experiences, and enhancing brand value. ASUS, a global tech leader, maintains its position through superior technology and innovative products. ASUS Design Center's numerous international awards underscore Design Thinking's success. Examining how ASUS employs Design Thinking for product innovation and corporate growth is pivotal. Analyzing its use in representative products reveals how ASUS meets user expectations, overcomes technical challenges, and achieves business value. Yet, amid fierce competition and emerging trends like AI and quantum computing, ASUS's ability to leverage Design Thinking for future development and market competitiveness warrants thorough investigation. In this context, the main motivation and purpose of this research are to systematically analyze ASUS's representative products over the years and their practical results in different development stages using Design Thinking, aiming to:
    1.Promote the application of Design Thinking, enabling more companies and practitioners to understand and benefit from it.
    2.Validate the practical value of Design Thinking in successful companies and analyze its successful application models.
    3.Analyze the key factors driving ASUS's innovation and market competitiveness.
    4.Learn from ASUS's successful experiences to explore the best practices for integrating Design Thinking concepts into future competitive strategies.
    Design Thinking should not merely be seen as a tool for enhancing value, but as a powerful strategic force that drives growth, change and innovation!
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111932056
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