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    Title: 北台灣民間藏文教學之民族誌
    The Teaching of the Tibetan Language to the Folks in Northern Taiwan
    Authors: 黃馨慧
    Huang, Hsin-Hui
    Contributors: 張駿逸

    Chang, Jiunn-Yih
    Kuan, Da-Wei

    Huang, Hsin-Hui
    Keywords: 藏文教學
    Teaching of the Tibetan language
    Tibetan Buddhism
    Language Ideology
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:20:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自1980年代起,越來越多的藏僧進入台灣弘法,不僅帶入更多灌頂法會與密法修持,也帶入更多藏文的佛教經典。自1990-2000年代後,也有些信徒不再滿足於跑道場、接受各種灌頂儀式,出現了以「學佛者」為自我期許的藏傳佛教徒,對經典義理的理解有更高的追求,轉而開始重視以「文本」為核心的藏文學習、經典研讀。
    Since the 1980s, more and more Tibetan monks have entered Taiwan to spread Buddhism, conducting not only more rituals of Abhishekam, but also imparting Tibetan Buddhist scriptures. Since the 1990s and 2000s, some Buddhists are no longer satisfied with attending religious ceremonies. Tibetan Buddhists have emerged as "learners of Buddhism" and have a higher pursuit of understanding the classic principles. They have begun to pay more attention to Tibetan language and classic study with "text" as the core.
    Against this background, this study focuses on the contemporary folk Tibetan teaching institutions in Northern Taiwan. Through two types of field, the Daochang(Dharma center) and the Tibetan classroom, I find that the curriculum designed and teaching interaction of the Tibetan classroom often embodying the relationship between monks and laity in the Daochang and the order of ritual rituals. The common "support" relationship in the Daochang is a reflection of the relationship between monks and laymen. In Taiwan's Tibetan Buddhist Daochang, Chinese-Tibetan translators have also become objects of support beside monks. In addition, "linage" highlights the Tibetan tradition Buddhism attaches great importance to the source of knowledge. These two relationships, which are common in the Daochang, are reproduced in Tibetan classrooms between teachers and students with Buddhist identities. In addition, the chronological sequence of the rituals of the Dharma script, namely the preliminary, main and final practices, is also reflected in the course sequence of the Tibetan language class. This study's analysis of rituals in Tibetan classrooms highlights the contextualizing effect of the language ideology of "Buddhist Tibetan" in connecting Tibetan learning and the pursuit of Buddhist beliefs.
    In addition to focusing on how Tibetan and the Tibetan Buddhist community in Taiwan constitute each other, this study also focuses on Buddhists who learn Tibetan. By exploring the Tibetan learning process of four informants, it presents the role of Tibetan in different individuals. The diverse dynamics and meanings presented in life experience.
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