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Title: | 私部門提供金融基礎設施服務之監理探討 Research on the Financial Market Infrastructures Operated by Private Sector—Focusing on Financial Supervision |
Authors: | 呂家豪 Lu, Chia-Hao |
Contributors: | 臧正運 Tsang, Cheng-Yun 呂家豪 Lu, Chia-Hao |
Keywords: | 金融基礎設施 金融監理 支付及清算系統 金融交易設施 自然獨占 公用事業 私有化 公共選擇 系統重要性 Financial market infrastructure Financial supervision Payment system Clearing and settlement system Trading venue Natural monopoly Utilities Privatization Public option Systemically important |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2024-02-01 11:44:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討私部門提供金融基礎設施服務對金融監理造成之影響。金融基礎設施具有壟斷性、風險性與公共性三大特徵,不僅具有公用事業性質,也會對社會造成顯著的負外部性。 自1980年代先進經濟體自由化、去管制化的風潮以來,由私部門提供金融基礎設施的趨勢愈發明顯。而近期資訊科技發展與行動裝置的普及,亦促使更多私部門非金融機構得以更低的成本進入金融基礎設施服務,可能對現有的金融市場結構與社會公益造成重大影響,所涉及法領域包括金融監理、競爭法、個人資料與隱私權等多重議題,將對傳統金融監理方式帶來挑戰。 對此,本研究提出一套分析架構,說明對私部門金融基礎設施監理之管制層次,以衡平金融基礎設施之效率、創新與安全。而本研究認為對金融基礎設施之監理,本質上反映了一國之基本國策與對資本主義之想像,在科技進步飛速、金融市場日趨複雜的情況下,並不存在一套完美的監理架構,監理機關必須適時調整較合適的監理方式。 This thesis aims to investigate the impact of the provision of financial market infrastructure services by the private sector on financial supervision. Financial market infrastructures present three key characteristics: monopoly, risk concentration, and public goods. They not only possess the nature of public utilities, but also imposes significant negative externalities on society. Since the trend of liberalization and deregulation in advanced economies in the 1980s, there has been a growing trend for the private sector to provide financial market infrastructure services. Additionally, the recent development of information technology and the popularity of mobile devices have also enabled more non-financial institutions from the private sector to enter financial market infrastructure services at a lower cost. This trend may have significant implications for the existing financial market structure and societal welfare, involving multiple legal issues such as financial regulation, competition law, personal data protection, and privacy rights. This could pose challenges to traditional financial regulatory approach. In response to this situation, this thesis proposes an analytical framework to clarify different regulatory levels of financial market infrastructure supervision, aiming to balance efficiency, innovation, and stability of financial market infrastructures. This thesis believes that the supervision of financial market infrastructures basically reflects a state’s fundamentally policies and its vision for capitalism. Under the circumstances of rapid advancement in technology and the increasing complexity of financial markets, there is no one-size-fits-all regulatory framework. Supervisory authorities must adjust their supervisory approaches timely to ensure the appropriateness in the ever-changing financial market. |
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