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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 統計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/146900
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    Title: 影像分析與深偽影片的偵測
    A Statistical Approach of Deepfake Video Detection
    Authors: 陳慧霜
    Chen, Huei-Shuang
    Contributors: 陳怡如

    Chen, Yi-Ju
    Yue, Jack C.

    Chen, Huei-Shuang
    Keywords: 深偽影片
    Deepfake Videos
    Image Recognition
    Facial Texture
    First-order Differentiation
    Background Analysis
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:56:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 大數據發展為人們帶來方便,但其影響也面臨一刀兩刃的窘境,在提升民眾的生活便利及健康之餘,同時會帶來負面的影響,深偽影片 (Deepfake) 就是知名範例。藉由深度學習等技術偽造照片及影像,顛覆以往「眼見為憑」、「有圖有真相」的認知,眼睛容易受到偽造影片的愚弄,讓我們愈來愈難判斷訊息的真偽。目前多數分辨深偽影像的研究大多聚焦於深度學習模型,這些研究通常藉由模型來判別真偽影片的準確性,對於使用變數解釋性、方法論代表意涵較少著墨,異於一般統計分析的思維,有鑑於此,本文提出統計觀點的影片偵測方法。
    我們認為偽造影片經過人工修改,這些影像通常會有過度平滑的傾向,在此參考Xia等人 (2022) 的做法,套用一階差分之類的分析方式,作為判斷影像真偽的依據。本文使用基本的光三原色 (紅綠藍:Red、Green、Blue) ,再加入兩種常見色彩空間為變數:HSV (色相、飽和度、明度:Hue、Saturation、Value) 、YCrCb (流明、紅色色度、藍色色度:Luminance、Red difference、Blue difference) 。除了一階差分,為了更有效判別色彩空間變數的平滑程度,我們也考慮圖像切割 (Segmentation) ,搭配Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定來設定較為合宜平滑程度之門檻值,結合統計、機器學習模型判斷影片真偽,以深偽影片常見的Celeb-DF資料集為實驗對象,透過交叉驗證評斷方法優劣。分析發現加入HSV、YCrCb 可以增加二元分類問題之準確度,且在圖像分割為16×16時 (過多分割未必較佳) ,偵測準確度超過90%。另外,我們發現背景值對於分類影響很大,準確度受到背景值的影響而下降,但若使用Moran’s I評估真偽影像中背景與人臉的空間異質性,就能使得準確度提高至先前只使用人像的水準。
    The development of big data brings convenience to people, but its impact is also facing a double-edged dilemma. While improving the convenience and health of people’s lives, it also poses a danger to the public. Deepfake videos serve as a prominent example, as they exploit deep learning techniques to fabricate images and videos, undermining the long-standing belief in “seeing is believing” and “a picture speaks a thousand words.” This has made it increasingly challenging to discern the authenticity of information. Currently, most deepfake detection approaches heavily rely on deep learning models, prioritizing accuracy while neglecting variable interpretability and methodological implications, deviating from conventional statistical analysis thinking. To address this, this study proposes a statistical perspective for video authentication.
    In our study, we investigate the characteristics of manipulated deepfake videos and propose a statistical approach for video authentication. Inspired by Xia et al. (2022), we utilize and apply first-order differentiation to varies color features (RGB, HSV, and YCrCb) for important variables, and then plug them into statistical and machine learning models. We use cross-validation to evaluate the proposed approach, comparing it with deep learning models, with the Celeb-DF dataset. We found that adding the variables HSV and YCrCb can improve classification accuracy, surpassing 90% when employing 16x16 image segmentation. Furthermore, we found that including the background images have negative impacts on classification accuracy. Nonetheless, we can still obtain accuracy close to that of using facial data, if adding the spatial heterogeneity of background data via Moran’s I.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110354002
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