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Title: | 執行COVID-19防疫政策對里幹事影響之探討-以臺北市北投區公所為例 The Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Policy on the Li Village Clerks - Case of The Beitou District Office in Taipei City |
Authors: | 李祥德 Lee, Hsiang-Te |
Contributors: | 董祥開 Dong, Hsiang-kai 李祥德 Lee, Hsiang-Te |
Keywords: | 里幹事 嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 防疫政策 工作角色 village clerks COVID-19 epidemic prevention policies work role |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:44:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討2020年初COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情爆發後,里幹事被賦予第一線執行防疫業務,負責有關國人返國入境居家檢疫事宜,但因工作量暴增且權責分配不清所造成的影響,個案以臺北市北投區公所的里幹事為研究對象,紀錄里幹事面對各項防疫政策執行端所遇到的問題。 2020年初爆發COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情,里幹事理所當然的被派予防疫宣導、預防和關懷等工作,里幹事在平日與里、鄰長、公寓大廈管理委員會、社區發展協會、宗教團體與地方社團等建立網路脈絡,然而因防疫政策的反覆不定及業務量無限制擴張造成基層里幹事的反彈與抱怨,對里幹事角色職務造成衝擊,不利政策執行發展。本研究目的是透過觀察與訪談了解里幹事在防疫時期的工作現況,探討在防疫政策規劃與執行對里幹事的工作角色、服務品質、身心健康和家庭生活四大面向影響層面,期能給予政策規畫者了解里幹事於執行業務所面臨問題。 本研究採用質性研究,研究方法為參與觀察法以及深度訪談法;藉由參與觀察了解里幹事實際在防疫執行現況作為本研究實務的分析,並藉由深度訪談法訪談北投區里幹事在防疫執行時所遇到的問題作為本研究問題的分析。本研究結果發現有下列五點:一、里幹事在執行防疫政策時需要扮演多重角色,既是防疫工作及里政業務的執行者,也是家庭的主要照顧者;二、執行防疫政策需要花費大量的時間和精力,對里幹事的心理健康和家庭生活產生了影響;三、防疫政策滾動式修正應先知會執行的第一線同仁,為提高工作效率和防疫工作質量,應提供相關的培訓和支援;四、里幹事執行防疫期間影響身心健康及增加心理壓力,亦間接影響家庭生活;五、尊重里幹事在防疫工作中所做出的努力和貢獻,給予相應的認可和贊揚。 而針對上述的研究發現,本研究提出七點建議:第一、建立明確的防疫工作計畫和流程,確保里幹事清楚明白該如何執行防疫措施;第二、提供足夠的防疫物資和裝備,確保里幹事在執行防疫措施時能夠受到足夠的保護;第三、鼓勵里幹事參加相應的培訓課程,提高其執行防疫政策的能力和技能;第四、定期關注里幹事的心理健康與需求,提供必要的心理慰藉和後勤支援;第五、尊重里幹事的工作和努力,依防疫質量給予金錢報酬,激勵其積極投入到防疫工作中;第六、建立溝通管道平台,讓里幹事能夠及時反映問題和困難,適時解決相關問題;第七、建構專責的防疫組織,讓里幹事能專心從事市府與里長間溝通平台,減少染疫風險。 The study aims to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020 on village clerks who were assigned to the frontlines of implementing epidemic prevention measures. They were responsible for handling matters related to home quarantine for the oversea returning residents. However, various challenges were encountered due to a surge in workload and unclear distribution of responsibilities. This research focuses on village clerks from Taipei City`s Beitou District Office and documents the problems they faced in implementing various epidemic prevention policies. In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, village clerks took the responsibility on the engage in epidemic prevention promotion, prevention, and care since they had established networks with neighborhoods, community leaders, apartment building management committees, community development associations, religious groups, and local organizations. However, the fluctuating and unpredictable nature of epidemic prevention policies and the unlimited expansion of responsibilities have caused backlash and complaints. This had a negative impact on their roles and duties, hindering the implementation and development of policies. The purpose of this study is to observe and interview village clerks to understand their work situation during the epidemic prevention period. It aims to explore the impact of epidemic prevention policy planning and implementation on them in four aspects: their role, service quality, physical and mental health, and family life. The findings aim to provide policymakers with insights into the issues faced by village clerks in carrying out their duties. This study adopted a qualitative research design, employing participant observation and in-depth interviews as research methods. Through participant observation, the actual implementation of epidemic prevention by village clerks was analyzed as part of the practical analysis in this study. In addition, the problems encountered by village clerks in implementing epidemic prevention were analyzed through in-depth interviews conducted in the Beitou District office. The findings of this study are as follows: First, village clerks needed to play multiple roles when implementing epidemic prevention policies, acting as both executors of epidemic prevention work and neighborhood affairs while serving as primary caregivers within their families. Second, Implemented epidemic prevention policies requires a significant amount of time and energy, which had an impact on the mental health and family life of village clerks. Third, Rolling revisions of epidemic prevention policies should inform frontline colleagues. To improve work efficiency and the quality of epidemic prevention efforts, relevant training and support should be provided. Forth, The physical and mental health of village clerks were affected during the implementation of epidemic prevention measures, and indirectly affected on their family. Fifth, It is important to respect the efforts and contributions made by neighborhood administrators in their epidemic prevention work and provide them with appropriate recognition and praise. Based on the aforementioned research findings, this study proposes seven recommendations as follows. First, establish clear epidemic prevention work plans and procedures to ensure that village clerks are clearly understand how to implement preventive measures. Second, provide sufficient epidemic prevention materials and equipment to ensure that village clerks are adequately protected when implementing preventive measures. Third, encourage village clerks to participate in relevant training courses to enhance their abilities and skills in implementing epidemic prevention policies. Forth, regularly monitor the mental health and needs of village clerks and provide necessary psychological support and logistical assistance. Fifth, respect their work and efforts with adequate payment in order to emcourage them put in more actively. Sixth, establish a communication platform to allow village clerks to report problems and difficulties and resolve related issues promptly. Seventh, establish a dedicated epidemic prevention organization to allow village clerks to focus on the communication platform between the city government and village chiefs, thereby reducing the risk of infection. |
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