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    Title: 美國大戰略下的南海政策
    South China Sea Policy under The U.S. Grand Strategy
    Authors: 田兆哲
    Tien, Chao-Che
    Contributors: 冷則剛
    Leng, Tse-Kang
    Tien, Chao-Che
    Keywords: 美國大戰略
    U.S. Grand Strategy
    South China Sea
    Offensive Realism
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:21:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文主要從大戰略的角度探討美國的南海政策,美國作為霸權國家,其應對中國南海擴張時採取何種政策,而這些政策反應出甚麼樣的理論思維,乃是本文所欲探討的重點。除此之外,透過地緣政治理論的角度,探討美國在地緣政治上的特殊性對於其大戰略的形塑作用,乃是本文在分析美國霸權時的另一個分析焦點。美國大戰略的根本目的就是要避免任何挑戰者崛起,依據地緣政治理論的預測,這個挑戰者必定來自歐亞大陸,而如今的世界局勢顯示新任挑戰者便是中國,美國的印太戰略就是為制衡中國而生的最新大戰略。本文主張,因為地緣政治上的因素,在美國制衡中國的大戰略中,南海具有至關重要的地位,因此美國的南海政策可說是攸關印太戰略成功與否的重要關鍵。
    This thesis primarily discusses the United States’ South China Sea policy from the perspective of grand strategy. This thesis also focuses on what kind of policies the United States, being a hegemony, adopts in response to China’s expansion in the South China Sea and what kind of theoretical thinking these policies reflect. While analyzing American hegemony, this paper will also explore and discuss the geopolitical peculiarities of the United States and its role in shaping the U.S. grand strategy. The fundamental purpose of the U.S. grand strategy is to avoid the rise of any other challenger. According to the predictions of geopolitical theory, this challenger must come from the Eurasian continent. Apparently, the current world situation shows that the new challenger is China. The U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is the latest grand strategy born to contain China. This thesis argues that due to geopolitical factors, the South China Sea plays a vital role in the US grand strategy of containing China. Therefore, the US South China Sea policy can be said to be an important key to the success of the Indo-Pacific strategy.
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