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    题名: 探討網路近用權作為國際人權法之新興權利之地位與發展
    The Emergence of the Right to Internet Access: An Analysis of its Status as a New Human Right in International Law
    作者: 俞亞廷
    Yue, Ya-Ting
    贡献者: 許耀明
    Hsu, Yao-Ming
    Yue, Ya-Ting
    关键词: 國際人權法
    International Human Rights Law
    Human Rights
    Human Dignity
    Right to Internet Access
    Internet Access
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-08-02 13:55:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 聯合國人權委員會的特別報告員Frank La Rue在2011年曾提交「增進和保護見解與言論自由權問題」(report on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression)之報告,其中,特別報告員不僅強調網路對於實現各項人權之重要性,亦認定網路近權應屬於《公民與政治權利公約》第19(2)條言論自由權。此外,聯合國大會於2016年《關於促進、保護以及享受網路人權》之決議中,強調應以人權作為基礎,從而建立一個可近用之網路。
    這兩項文件之論述之共同點是均將網路近用權視作一項附屬於言論自由權之權利,然而新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)迫使人們透過網路繼續日常生活時,彰顯了網路逐漸成為個人基本需求的狀態,同時展現缺乏網路近用(Internet access)者在教育、工作、健康等方面保障之缺失。基於此本文旨在探討網路近用是否得成為國際人權法架構下的一項獨立人權,從而保障個人得透過網路行使其他受到國際人權法所保障之權利。
    The question of whether Internet access should be recognized as an independent human right in line with the principles of international human rights law is examined in this paper.
    In 2011, the Special Rapporteur Frank La Rue issued a report on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, in which he stated that “the Internet has become an indispensable tool for realizing a range of human rights, combating inequality, and accelerating development and human progress ensuring universal access to the Internet should be a priority for all states.” Further, in 2016, the United Nations General Assembly underlined in the resolution on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet that in order to provide an open, accessible and nurtured Internet, a human-based approach should be applied. Though none of the current international human rights instruments have explicitly recognized an actual right to Internet access, many states, as well as scholars, have agreed that the aforementioned materials proved the existence of a right to Internet access.
    Such recognition, however, was regarded the Internet access as a medium under the right to freedom of opinion and expression, rather than an independent human right. As the Internet permeates every aspect of our daily-life, Internet access has gradually become a prerequisite to exercise human rights, especially during the pandemic, when everyone was forced to continued their life via the Internet. Accordingly, this paper decided to assess whether the right to Internet access can be established as an autonomous human right.
    In order to explore whether Internet access can be regarded as a human right, it is necessary to clarify the definition of the term “human rights” in advance. However, due to the complex and multifaceted nature of human rights, it is difficult to reach a consensus on its definition as it involves difference fields, such as philosophy, politics, and law. Hence, instead of giving a definition of human rights, this paper decides to conceptualize it. Through the conceptualization of the idea of human rights through its moral and political roots, ultimately concluded that such term refers to rights that are based on human dignity.
    Further, while this paper delves into the evolution of international human rights law, the ever-changing nature of international law was acknowledged. Further, this paper explored models and approaches for the emergence of new human rights and concluded a three-phase approach. According to the three-phase approach, the recognition of a new human right needs to go through three phases: (1) human rights activists or scholars advocate for the recognition of a new human right, (2) the new human right achieved the “full recognition”, and (3) this new human right presents a binding force upon states. In order to justify the three-phase approach, this paper further used the right to water as an exemplar.
    Moreover, concerning the right to Internet access, in accordance with relevant materials, this paper discovered that the recognition of the right to Internet access is in-progress. The recognition of the right to Internet access not only on a national level but also on a regional level. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of Internet access for the realization and implementation of other human rights, which makes Internet access more than just a medium under the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Recently, the United Nations human rights commissioners have resonated the idea of establishing the right to Internet access as an independent human right, which further justifies the importance of recognizing it.
    The Republic of China (“Taiwan”) is widely known for being a proactive nation that is committed to the principles of international human rights. With regards to the right to Internet access, Taiwan recognized it as a fundamental human right as early as in 2017. In order to promote and protect the right to Internet access, Taiwan has implemented various policies and programs to ensure that every citizen and foreign visitors has access to an open Internet with sufficient infrastructure. As a result of the digitalization of the government and the high Internet penetration rate, Taiwan was able to swiftly respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring that the human rights of every individual were not affected.
    In conclusion, Taiwan might set a positive example for other nations, with the ever-increasing importance of the Internet in our daily lives, it is crucial for every individual to have access to the Internet. as the recognition to the right to Internet access continues to gain momentum globally, this paper hopes that it will soon be recognized as an autonomous human right at the international level, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the same human rights online and offline.
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    9. Miscellaneous
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