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Title: | 碳權金融發展趨勢 The trend of carbon market |
Authors: | 楊淳涵 Yang, Chun-Han |
Contributors: | 林靖庭 Lin, Ching-Ting 楊淳涵 Yang, Chun-Han |
Keywords: | 碳權 國際碳交易市場 京都議定書 巴黎協定 歐洲排放交易體系 加州限額與交易計劃 溫室氣體減量及管理法 氣候變遷因應法 Carbon rights International carbon trading market Kyoto Protocol Paris Agreement European Emissions Trading System California cap-and-trade program |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:47:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自從工業革命後,人類排放了大量的溫室氣體,使得全球平均氣溫節節攀升,造成極端氣候以及糧食危機的問題。為了地球的永續發展,政府部門開始利用國際公約來約束各國溫室氣體排放的行為。 1997年12月在日本京通過了《京都議定書》(Kyoto Protocol),使得碳權的概念逐漸被重視,也因此形成了碳權市場。另外2015年11月通過的氣候協定《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement)取代了《京都議定書》,成為一項新的具有法律約束力的氣候變化國際條約,目標是控制全球平均氣溫上升低於工業化前水平的2°C,並期望將溫度升高幅度限制在工業化前水平的1.5°C以內。 世界各國、企業因應京都議定書、巴黎協定等規範,也開始規劃實施碳權交易的機制,其中碳權又分為政府授權創造的強制性碳權,如歐盟ETS、美國加州限額與交易計劃(CCTP)和區域溫室氣體倡議(RGGI)、韓國ETS等等;以及參與者自行發展的自願性碳權,如獨立機構自行設立的黃金標準(Gold Standard, GS)、碳驗證標準(Verified Carbon Standard, VCS)等等。 在臺灣方面,除了永續發展的趨勢,我國企業還面臨著許多經濟問題,像是歐盟所提出的碳邊境稅、以及歐美大型企業提出供應鏈淨零的發展策略,這使我國必須嚴正的面對碳排放議題、規劃碳交易市場,除了為地球的永續發展盡一份力,更重要的是能讓本國企業在國際間更有競爭力。而國際間有許多碳交易市場都是與金融機構合作進行,因此除了針對國內碳交易機制的實施作探討外,將檢視金融機構可在其中所扮演的角色,為臺灣的碳交易市場做出較全面的建議。 Since the Industrial Revolution, there have been large amounts of greenhouse gases emitted which caused the global average temperature to rise, extreme climate and food crisis. For the sustainable development of the earth, government departments have started to use international conventions to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions. In December 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, and the concept of carbon rights is gradually being taken seriously and a carbon rights market has been formed as a result. The Paris Agreement, adopted in November 2015, replaced the Kyoto Protocol as a new legally binding international treaty on climate change, with the goal of controlling global average temperature increases below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and hoping to limit temperature increases to within 1.5°C of pre-industrial levels. In response to the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, the governments around the world have begun to plan and implement carbon trading mechanisms, which are divided into mandatory carbon rights which created by government authorization and voluntary carbon rights which developed by the participants themselves, such as independent organizations. In Taiwan, in addition to the trend of sustainable development, Chinese companies are facing many economic issues, such as the carbon border tax proposed by the European Union and the zero-supply chain development strategy proposed by large European and American companies. Therefore, in addition to exploring the implementation of the domestic carbon trading mechanism, we will also examine the role that financial institutions can play in it and make more comprehensive suggestions for Taiwan`s carbon trading market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 金融學系 110352021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110352021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of Money and Banking] Theses
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