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    题名: 習近平時代美中國際話語權競合:氣候變遷議題之視角
    US-China Coopetition of International Discourse under Xi-Jinping`s Era: Perspective of Climate Change Issues
    作者: 邱琬婷
    Chiu, Wan-Ting
    贡献者: 李明
    Chiu, Wan-Ting
    关键词: 國際話語權
    International Discourse
    US-China Coopetition
    Climate Change
    Xi Jinping
    日期: 2023
    上传时间: 2023-03-09 18:10:38 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 近來,政界、學界、媒體報導對於「國際話語權」此一概念的討論愈趨普遍。特別是,伴隨著中國官方的高度倡導,國際話語權已成為中國國關學界的熱門議題。然而,關於國際話語權的意涵卻始終眾說紛紜,沒有一致的見解和共識。因此,本文試圖梳理學界關於國際話語權的相關討論,嘗試發展出在國關領域具有操作性意義的描述。


    Recently, “ International Discourse (huayu quan)” has been a popular concept in political circles, academia, and media. Especially, since the Chinese government highly advocates this concept, International Discourse-related topics have already become a prominent issue in Chinese academic society. However, this concept still lacks a clear interpretation. Therefore, this thesis is dedicated to clarifying the related discussion and developing an operational definition of International Discourse.

    US-China great power competition is one of the most important research topics in the realm of International Relations. Specifically, “ Climate Change” is a critical issue of global governance, though the two great power have diverse consideration, both countries still share common interests to deal with challenges. Thus, this paper starts from the perspective of climate change to analyze how the US and China construct their International Discourse respectively, and finally explore the Washington-Beijing Coopetition of International Discourse.

    First, this thesis targets the issue of “Climate Change” and looks over the strategy of constructing “Discourse Content” and “ Discourse Platform” under both the Obama and Trump administrations and Xi’s era. Discourse Content aims at the position, quality, and narratives of discourse, while Discourse Platform emphasizes how the countries utilize international institutions and meetings, foreign cooperation and aid. Finally, based on the analyzing framework, the fifth chapter further demonstrates the US-China competition and cooperation of International Discourse from the perspective of Global Climate Change.
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