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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 金融學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/142911
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    Title: 風險管理與法令遵循之監理規範: BASEL 2.5與FRTB資本計提分析
    Regulation of Risk Management and Legal Compliance: Analysis of Capital Charge between BASEL 2.5 and FRTB
    Authors: 林首嘉
    Lin, Shou-Jia
    Contributors: 林士貴

    Lin, Shou-Jia
    Keywords: 交易簿基礎原則審視(FRTB)
    Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)
    Market Risk
    Value at Risk
    Expected Shortfall
    Risk Management
    Legal Compliance
    Three Lines of Defense
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-01-05 15:23:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《交易簿基礎原則審視》(FRTB)已於2019年定稿並將在2023年實施,其規範架構與參數設定均有相當幅度修訂,此為量化面監理;風險管理與法令遵循作為銀行內部控制第二道防線角色,國際與國內均有相當的法律規範,國內主管機關更可依此裁罰,此為質化面監理。本文在疫情前後期間逐日計算權益證券投資組合於Basel 2.5和FRTB之標準法與內部模型法下的市場風險資本要求,並蒐集整理內部控制理念、目的與相關法令,同時分析探討相關裁罰案。量化部分發現FRTB標準法結果普遍大於Basel 2.5標準法,FRTB內部模型法普遍小於Basel 2.5內部模型法,FRTB標準法又普遍高於FRTB內部模型法,惟選擇權部位未有絕對關係,究其原因為FRTB標準法給定風險權數明顯高於Basel 2.5標準法資本計提率,FRTB內部模型法乘數因子亦相對Basel 2.5明顯降低,FRTB基於希臘值概念建構的敏感性分析基礎對選擇權部位更能精準捕捉風險;此外疫情後計提結果及變異程度普遍高於疫情前,反映FRTB於極端金融事件時期確能反應風險於計提結果。質化部分發現國內關於銀行內部控制議題在立法與執法上均充分反映國際潮流精神,惟法規架構仍有部分內容值得改進,本文亦對此提出自身建議以供銀行業者與監理者進行參考。
    The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) has been finalized in 2019 and will be implemented in 2023. There have been considerable revisions in the regulatory framework and parameter settings. This is quantitative supervision. Risk management and legal compliance are the second line of defense in the bank. There are quite a lot of legal regulation at home and abroad, and the domestic competent authority can even impose penalties accordingly. This is qualitative supervision. This study calculates market risk capital requirement of equity portfolios under the standardised approach and internal models approach (IMA) of Basel 2.5 and FRTB during the epidemic day by day; also collects and organizes the philosophy, purpose and related regulations of internal controls for bank, and analysis and discusses related penalty cases. In quantization part we can obtain that the capital charge of FRTB standardized approach is more than Basel 2.5 standardized approach; the capital charge of FRTB IMA is less than Basel 2.5 IMA, and the capital charge of FRTB standardized approach is more than FRTB IMA. However, there is no absolute relationship between the positions of the option. The reasons are that the risk weights of FRTB standardized approach are obviously higher than the capital accrual rate of Basel 2.5 standardized approach, and the multiplication factors of FRTB are apparently lower than Basel 2.5. Besides the Sensitivities-based method constructed by FRTB based on the option greeks can more accurately capture risks for option positions. Furthermore, the results and variability of capital charge after the epidemic are generally higher than those before the epidemic, which shows that FRTB can indeed reflect the risk in the results of capital charge during the period of extreme financial events. In qualitative part we can obtain that domestic legislation and law enforcement on bank internal control issues fully reflect the spirit of international trends, while there are still some contents in the legal structure that could be improved. We also put forward our own suggestions for the reference of banks and supervisors.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108352011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201751
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