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Title: | 私人以權利變換方式實施都市更新事業相關法律問題之探討 Discussion on Legal Issues Related to the Implementation of Urban Renewal Undertakings by Private Use of Rights Transformation |
Authors: | 張志湧 Yung, Chang Chih |
Contributors: | 陳立夫 Chen Lifu 張志湧 Chang Chih Yung |
Keywords: | 都市更新 權利變換 法律爭議 Urban Renewal |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:26:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣都市環境經過幾十年的發展後,隨著時間的演進而成長、成熟、衰敗,必然產生實質環境老舊窳陋、都市機能衰頹之現象,而有實施都市更新的必要,都市更新事業之實施,不僅會對都市土地之使用性質、強度發生變化,原有範圍內之產權結構也將附隨發生變化,因此,都市更新不僅是實現都市計畫之物理性過程,同時也是重新形塑與土地相關權利關係之法律過程。我國於87年制定都市更新條例,作為實施都市更新之準據法,該法大幅放寬民間自辦更新事業的要件,並於國內首次引入權利變換制度,其基本精神在於顧及各方參與者之公平分配,不但需顧及各土地所有權人之間之負擔及分配之公平性,並平衡土地所有權人與開發者間利益,亦對他項權利有適當之處理或分配,因此,權利變換制度成為民間實施者提供重新形塑地權關係的新途徑。 與民間傳統合建模式相較,權利變換乃公權力介入私權的特殊立法,並且包含多項政府協助民間實施者之公權力措施,權利變換制度包含計畫擬定、審議核定、計畫執行等程序規範,亦包含各產權處理之實體規範。惟權利變換計畫核定前的民眾參與,是否符合正當法律程序之要求,以及計畫核定後的公法與私法的救濟途徑如何分工,能否有效解決紛爭,以保障當事人之權利,為本文所欲探討程序面向之問題;權利變換對於相關產權之處理,除應考量當事人間之衡平關係外,亦應考量原住戶之居住權利保障之面向,故權利變換內容妥適性之檢討,為本文所欲探討實體面向之問題。本文主要探討民間以權利變換方式實施都市更新事業之相關法律問題,並從程序及實體面向逐一探討。 本文的論述先從都市更新及權利變換之意義,掌握其功能與作用,繼而瞭解其制度沿革及在我國法制上之演進過程,以利於法律競合及解釋適用時之參考,並探討都市更新權利變換在現行法下其法律依據之相互關係,以便後段有關法律問題之探討;其次,以行政正當法律程序之內涵作為基礎,檢討現行都市更新事業計畫與權利變換計畫之擬定、審議期間,相關土地權利人之參與程序,是否足以保障其權利。在實體規範探討方面,從區別公、私法行為相關理論,探討權利變換行為之法律性質,並檢討權利變換制度下產權處理之相關問題,再從行政訴訟、民事訴訟分工合作之關係,及人民訴權保障之角度,探討權利變換分配爭議之救濟途徑。此外,尊重原住戶重回更新地區居住之權利,為權利變換制度立法之特色,本文亦針對現行法有關原住戶居住權益保障之相關措施,檢討其是否已落實憲法生存權保障之要求,是否已經達到都市更新條例立法目的。 本文分析權利變換方式實施更新事業之相關法律問題,並藉由分析學說、實務上有關都市更新權利變換爭議之見解,釐清相關課題之實質內涵,以解決既存都市更新權利變換之問題,並提供行政、司法實務解釋及適用法令時之參考。最後,試擬權利變換改革之方向,以期減少都市更新權利變換之法律爭議問題。 After decades of development, Taiwan’s urban environment has grown, matured, and decayed over time. It will inevitably lead to the phenomenon of old and shabby physical environment and declining urban functions. It is necessary to implement urban renewal. Implementation will not only change the nature and intensity of urban land use, but also the property rights structure within the original scope will also be accompanied by changes. Therefore, urban renewal is not only a physical process of realizing urban planning, but also a reshaping and reshaping. The legal process of land-related rights. my country enacted the Urban Renewal Regulations in 1987 as the governing law for the implementation of urban renewal. The law greatly relaxes the requirements for private self-sponsored renewal businesses and introduces a rights transformation system for the first time in China. The basic spirit is to take into account the fairness of all participants. Distribution not only needs to take into account the burden of the land owners and the fairness of the distribution, and balance the interests of the land owners and developers, but also have appropriate treatment or distribution of other rights. Therefore, the right conversion system has become a private implementation Provide a new way to reshape the land ownership relationship. Compared with the traditional folk-construction model, the transformation of rights is a special legislation involving public power intervening in private rights, and includes a number of public power measures that the government assists non-governmental implementers. The rights transformation system includes procedural norms such as plan formulation, review and approval, and plan execution. , Also includes the substantive specifications for the treatment of property rights. However, whether the public participation before the approval of the rights transformation plan meets the requirements of due legal procedures, and how the public and private remedies after the plan are approved, can effectively resolve disputes and protect the rights of the parties, is what this article intends Discuss the issues facing the procedure; the handling of related property rights in the conversion of rights should not only consider the equitable relationship between the parties, but also the protection of the residential rights of the original households. Therefore, the review of the appropriateness of the content of the rights conversion is the subject of this article. The entity faces the problem. This article mainly discusses the legal issues related to the implementation of urban renewal business by the private sector in the form of rights transformation, and discusses one by one from the perspective of procedures and entities. The discussion in this article starts with the meaning of urban renewal and the transformation of rights, grasps its functions and functions, and then understands its institutional evolution and the evolution process in the legal system of our country, so as to facilitate the legal competition and the reference when explaining the application, and discuss the transformation of urban renewal rights Under the current law, the relationship between the legal basis and the relevant legal issues will be discussed later; secondly, based on the connotation of administrative due process, review the current urban renewal business plan and the right conversion plan during the drafting and deliberation period, and the relevant land Is the right holder’s participation in the procedures sufficient to protect their rights? In terms of substantive norms discussion, from the theory of distinguishing public and private law acts, discussing the legal nature of rights transformation behavior, and reviewing the related issues of property rights handling under the rights transformation system, and then from the relationship between the division of labor and cooperation in administrative litigation and civil litigation, and the right of people`s litigation From the perspective of protection, discuss the remedies for disputes over the distribution of rights. In addition, respecting the right of the original households to live in the renewed area is a characteristic of the legislation of the rights transformation system. This article also focuses on the existing laws on the protection of the original households’ living rights and interests, and reviews whether they have implemented the constitutional right to survive protection and whether they have met Legislative purpose of urban renewal regulations. This article analyzes the legal issues related to the implementation of the renewal business in the way of rights transformation, and clarifies the substantive connotation of the relevant issues by analyzing theories and practical opinions on the transformation of urban renewal rights, so as to solve the existing problems of the transformation of urban renewal rights and provide administrative information. , Judicial practice interpretation and reference when applying laws and regulations. Finally, try to figure out the direction of the right transformation reform in order to reduce the legal disputes of the urban renewal right transformation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 94923018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094923018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100048 |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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