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Title: | 中國對於彝族史書寫的歷程 the Process of China’s Writing for the Yi’s History |
Authors: | 林晏如 Lin, Yen-Ju |
Contributors: | 黃季平 Huang, Chi-Ping 林晏如 Lin, Yen-Ju |
Keywords: | 彝族 彝族史 中國民族史 族屬 支系 Yi Yi history Chinese ethnic history Ethnicity Clades |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:36:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之目的在於瞭解彝族史的建立過程,藉由中國民族史、彝族史等各個作者的書寫,了解彝族史觀如何形成。即研究對象主要為彝族史專書,「彝族史」為要解構的對象,本文主要透過中國民族史、彝族史專書兩類的比較與分析來達成。
筆者欲透過以下幾個問題來解構現行彝族史的書寫。透過彝族概念的形成、彝族的歷史定位,及現行彝族史之缺漏等問題的分析,以了解彝族史的建構過程。 This study aims to help understand the establishment process of Yi history and to picture how the Yi interpretation of history has formed through the works of the history of Yi and the Chinese ethnic groups by several authors. That is, to deconstruct “the history of Yi people”, this study will focus on the monographs of Yi history. This article will mainly present the comparison and analysis of the historical monographs for the history of Chinese people and Yi people.
The monographs of Yi history all describe “Yi history” in the framework of “Yi” as a “minzu” (nation) whose development is dependent on the history of the central Chinese dynasties. For example, sentences as “Yi people have been……since ancient times” often give the concept of “ancient barbarians become modern Yi” to the readers. The most complete work is General History of the Yi People in China, edited by Wang Tianxi and Zhang Xinchang in 2012, but the completeness is still doubtful. First, the composition of the concept of “Yi” is rather vague, and the records of the Yi people in Chinese historical sources are also very unclear. Secondly, the historical orientation of the Yi people is open to question-- there is a great discrepancy between how the monographs of Yi history view the kingdom of Yelang, kngdom of Dian, southern Zhao when compared with other related studies. Thirdly, through a comparison of various editions of Yi history books, we will deconstruct the components of “Chinese Yi history”.
The author hopes to deconstruct the current writing of Yi history through the following questions in this article. To help understand the process of constructing the Yi history, this study will analysize the formation of the Yi concept, the historical positioning of the Yi, the deficiencies in the current view on Yi history. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族學系 106259004 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106259004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201642 |
Appears in Collections: | [民族學系] 學位論文
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