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    Title: 中國大陸農村女性低質量就業問題研究
    Research on the low employment quality of rural women in Chinese Mainland
    Authors: 劉怡聰
    Liu, Yi-Cong
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Liu, Yi-Cong
    Keywords: 就業質量
    Employment quality
    Decent work
    Rural women
    Rural employment
    Migrant workers in cities
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:19:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,農村女性在城鎮就業的規模呈現出穩定上升的趨勢,據全國婦聯統計,女性農民工已成為城市建設的一隻主力軍,龐大的農村女性就業群體主要分布在服務業、餐飲業、製造業等行業,是推動城市經濟發展的重要力量。然而,兼具農民、勞工、女性三重弱者身分的農村女性,其就業質量卻不容樂觀,工資水平低、工作時間長、社會保障覆蓋範圍小、勞動合同缺失、就業滿意度低等問題圍繞著她們。受傳統社會性別意識的影響,女性通常被要求承擔大部分與照顧和培養相關的工作,致使許多農村女性集中在餐飲服務、手工製作、家庭照顧者等工作時間長的行業,薪酬低的行業。因此,對農村女性就業質量進行研究具有重要的現實意義。
    In recent years, the scale of rural women`s employment in urban areas has shown a steady rise. According to the statistics of the All-China Women`s Federation, female migrant workers have become a main labor force in urban construction and development. The huge rural female employment group is mainly distributed in the service industry, catering industry, manufacturing industry and other industrie. However, rural women, who are both farmers, laborers and women, are confronted with problems such as low wage level, long working hours, small coverage of social security, lack of labor contracts and low employment satisfaction. Due to the traditional social gender norms, women are usually required to undertake most of the work related to care and cultivation, resulting in many rural women being highly concentrated in catering service, handicrafts, family care and other industries with long working hours and low pay. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the employment quality of rural women.
    The main theoretical insights come from various perspectives of urban-rural transfer, human capital, rural employment, rural female employment and other related theoriesThis study conducted interviews to understand the current employment situation of rural women working in Xiamen, China. At present, the employment quality of rural women in China has been significantly improved, but the overall employment quality is still low, mainly long working hours, low salar, limited welfare, less vocational training, and low social security level. The main reason for this problem lies in the low education level of rural women. The low employment quality is mainly attributed to insufficient legal supervision and lack of information channel.
    Therefore, policy has to address a couple of issues: improving the education level of rural women, enhancing the monitoring of the enterprise, strengthening human capital and social capital for rural women, improving working conditions of rural women, such as long working hours, low pay,insufficient social security and other issues in order to improve the quality of rural women`s employment.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109262022
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200882
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