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Title: | 金融科技創新下,台灣資產管理業發展策略- 以安本標準投信為例 Under Fintech innovation, Taiwan Asset management industry’s strategy case study of abrdn |
Authors: | 施鈞仁 Shih, Chun-Jen |
Contributors: | 黃國峯 傅浚映 Huang, Kuo-Feng Fu, Jyun-Ying 施鈞仁 Shih, Chun-Jen |
Keywords: | 資產管理業 競爭優勢 資源基礎說 VRIO 架構 Asset management Competitive advantages Resource-based view VRIO analysis |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-02-10 13:22:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 資產管理業在台灣已經深耕多年,發展成熟且競爭激烈。市場上擁有超過 1000檔以上的基金可以供投資人選擇。在競爭激烈的情況下,呈現大者恆大趨 勢,市場主要由領導廠商主導。 然而隨著金融科技發展蓬勃,越來越多創新的投資模式以及交易平台也逐 漸在台灣開放,如被動式產品在台灣投資市場已經佔據相當之比重,除此之 外,線上基金平台的崛起也將衝擊傳統與銷售機構合作進行銷售之模式。在此 趨勢下,若企業能夠順應此一潮流,將有機會在台灣市場獲得更多潛在機會。 本論文將與安本標準投信合作,本研究將事先統整台灣產業發展概況與安本標準投信在台灣經營狀況,再透過與個案公司之高階經理人進行深度訪談,最後進行個案歸納與分析,來了解安本標準投信如何在台灣這一成熟市場持續生存下去。 此外,本研究也將透過資源基礎說之理論與VRIO分析架構並運用在個案分析上,期望能夠深入了解個案公司具備何種資源能幫助其擁有長久之競爭優勢,並根據目前擁有之資源提供個案公司未來可以進行之策略建議。 結論如下,個案公司具備國外集團的豐富數位資源,因此未來台灣業務發 展將持續積極利用此一競爭優勢並積極佈局於線上基金平台業務與陸續引進機 器人理財業務,幫助集團在台灣擴大市占率並提升品牌形象。 Asset management in Taiwan is a very mature industry. There are lots of companies who had already joined the market and the market is also really competitive. There are over one thousand different mutual funds that investors could choose from. Base on this background, the market leader companies could dominate the market. However, the fintech in Taiwan is booming now. As a result, there are some innovative investment methods and platforms which investors don’t have in the past. The innovative platforms which investors could trade on it have really influenced the traditional sales styles of asset management firms. Thus, there are some opportunities for the company which could follow the new trend of fintech to gain more market shares in Taiwan. This essay will work with abrdn Taiwan in order to figure out the potential opportunity and operating strategies that could execute in the future. At the beginning of the research, we will summarize the industry trend and the situation of abrdn Taiwan. Furthermore, we will have an in-depth interview with a company’s senior manager. Lastly, we will summarize the case study and base on the information that we collect in order to provide the practical strategy suggestion for abrdn Taiwan and other asset management firms which could have the same issue. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363063 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363063 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200003 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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