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    题名: 半導體晶圓代工廠商與封測廠商競合關係之探討─以台積電與日月光為例
    Exploring the Co-opetition between Semiconductor Foundry and OSAT: A Case Study of TSMC and ASE
    作者: 李雯琪
    贡献者: 吳豐祥
    关键词: 半導體產業
    Semiconductor industry
    Vertical integration
    Semiconductor foundry
    OSAT company
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-02-10 13:21:01 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 半導體產業為因應終端產品的發展趨勢不斷提升技術能力,隨著摩爾定律逐漸趨緩,晶圓製程持續微縮的困難度日漸升高,因此產業界轉往發展向上堆疊與異質整合等先進封裝技術以延續摩爾定律,先進封裝技術因此被提升到與晶圓製程微縮技術同等重要的位置,更被視為半導體產業未來發展的關鍵,許多半導體業者包括晶圓代工廠、IDM整合元件廠等皆競相加入發展先進封裝,但是隨著晶圓代工廠跨入下游發展先進封裝,雙方一別以往傳統的上下游合作關係,進而演變為了新的競合關係。
    As the semiconductor industry continues to improve its technical capabilities in response to the development trend of end products, with the gradual slowing of Moore`s Law, the difficulty of continuous shrinking of the wafer process is increasing. To continue Moore`s Law, advanced packaging technology has been promoted to an equally important position as wafer process technology, and is regarded as the key to the future development of the semiconductor industry. Many semiconductor companies, including foundries, IDM companies, etc. are competing to join the advanced packaging field. However, as the foundry has stepped into the downstream to develop advanced packaging technology, the relationship of foundry and OSAT has changed from the traditional upstream and downstream cooperative relationship, and has evolved into a new coopetitive relationship.
    However, in the past research on coopetition in the semiconductor industry, most of them focused on the coopetition between competitors. But nowadays, the coopetition between foundries and OSATs is derived from the cooperation relationship. In addition, most of the previous studies on coopetition have focused on the exploration of the interaction between participating companies in the coopetitive relationship, and there is not much in-depth research on how the changes in the goals and strategies of a single company and the specific actions it takes may affect the formation of the coopetitve relationship. Therefore, in order to make up for the above research gap, this study starts from the perspective of coopetition theory, and selects the semiconductor foundry and OSAT as the case objects for in-depth research. Through qualitative in-depth interviews and secondary data analysis, to explore the causes, development process, and impact of the coopetition between the two parties. The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. Semiconductor foundry and OSAT will enter into cooperative relationships to achieve common corporate goals, but corporate goals will change dynamically over time, leading to competitive behavior and entering a co-opetitive relationship. In the coopetition between the two parties, the cooperation occurs in the division of labor on the industrial chain, and the competition occurs in the downstream new technology market.
    2. During the cooperation of semiconductor foundry and OSAT, the foundry will have competitive behaviors due to the competitive pressure from technical bottlenecks, customer needs, and quality control, and will master key technologies in advance to increase its competitiveness after entering into a competitive relationship. However, the characteristics of the technical resources of both parties will affect their respective advantages in the coopetition.
    3. The coopetition between the semiconductor foundry and the OSAT will result in the vague of industry diversification boundary, but will have a positive impact on new technology development and corporate revenue.
    At the end of this thesis, the academic contribution, practical implications, and follow-up research suggestions of this research are further elaborated.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364132
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200084
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