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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 金融學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/137284
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    Title: 運用機器學習模型分析影響公司風險的ESG因子:以台灣市場為例
    Machine Learning application on the ESG factor analysis on Firm Risks
    Authors: 孫嘉蔚
    Sun, Chia-Wei
    Contributors: 楊曉文
    Yang, Sharon. S.
    Sun, Chia-Wei
    Keywords: 機器學習
    Machine Learning
    Firm Risk
    Stock Crash Risk
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:03:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用機器學習模型,以模型找出何種ESG因子對於台灣企業的公司風險與股價崩跌有較高的解釋力,拆分企業社會責任對於風險的影響。本次研究用梯度提升決策樹(Gradient Boost Trees,以下稱GDBT)、XGBoost、隨機森林(Random Forest),並使用Refinitiv資料庫中的綜合分數、環境分數、社會分數與公司治理分數下的14個指標作為ESG變數。我採用公司特有風險與兩項股價崩跌風險指標(NCSKEW、DUVOL)作為風險變數,以2010-2019年間的992筆台灣公司股價資料計算而成,期望能探究機器學習模型在ESG評分與公司個別風險的效果。
    This study approaches three machine learning models to find out which ESG perfor-mance factors have significant impact on firm specific risk and stock crash risks ( NCSKEW,DUVOL ). Three models such as Gradient Boost Trees (Gradient Boost Trees, hereinafter referred to as GDBT), XGBoost, and Random Forest are applied into analyzing the effect of 14 ESG Performance from Reuters database on firm specific risks and stock crash risks. The sample of the study is mainly based Taiwanese firms in Refinitiv ESG database, ranging from the period of 2010 to 2019.The empirical results show that XGBoost and GDBT have the better performance than Random Forest in ex-plaining the company risk and stock crash risk. Through factor importance analysis, I found that combined ESG score are less important in the part of firm risks. This shows that rather than taking ESG composite score into account, investors should consider in-dividual dimensions of Environmental, Social, and Governance indicators for further portfolio risk management.
    Social categories, such as corporate social responsibility strategy scores, communi-ty scores, and human rights score, have a certain degree of influence in the firm specific risks and stock crash risks. These scores could be indicators for internal risk manage-ment on the scope of portfolio management and firm risk management.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108352001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101589
    Appears in Collections:[金融學系] 學位論文

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