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Title: | 論營業秘密訴訟攻防與管理分析-以臺灣民事判決為中心 Trade Secret Litigation and Management Analysis-Focusing on Civil Cases in Taiwan |
Authors: | 蔡宗運 Tsai, Tzung-Yun |
Contributors: | 馮震宇 Fong, Gen-Yu Jerry 蔡宗運 Tsai, Tzung-Yun |
Keywords: | 營業秘密 商業夥伴 外部關係 營業秘密訴訟 營業秘密管理 Trade Secret Business Partner External Relationship rade Secret Litigation Trade Secret Management |
Date: | 2020 |
Issue Date: | 2021-03-02 14:53:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來營業秘密案件逐年增加,法令與實務的發展動態漸漸受到關注,但大多數討論仍圍繞著僱傭關係下所生的營業秘密案件,然而因合作關係所生的營業秘密案件亦有關心之必要,因營業秘密所有人在合作中是雙手奉上秘密資訊,而有賴雙方妥善規劃契約,以約定營業秘密接收方之保密義務與禁止行為。 本研究以分析民事法院判決之方式,探討商業夥伴間營業秘密的管理與訴訟上攻防方法。因訴訟上首重營業秘密資訊適格性之判斷,故本研究先以案件中原告所主張之營業秘密分類,分別判討法院對於 配方、機器製造方法及技術等資訊之判斷與見解,並以美國實務評析我國實務見解不足之處。本研究發現,法院對於原告所主張之資訊是否構成營業秘密態度較為嚴格,原告亦需更加特定及舉證所主張之資訊符合營業秘密之要件。基於上述法院之見解,本研究提出企業主對於配方、機器製造方法及技術可為之營業秘密管理方法與訴訟上攻防方法。最後,在確立營業秘密後,本研究依不同商業夥伴關係整理出 委託製造(代工)、單純授權、委託開發等關係下,企業主應採行之營業秘密管理措施。 In recent years, the number of trade secret cases has increased and the development of laws and practices has gradually attracted attention. However, most of the discussions still centered on trade secret cases arising from an employment relationship, neglecting, trade secret cases arising from a business relationship of commissioning and technology development. Because the owners of trade secrets provide secret information in the relationship, it depends on both parties to properly agree on the confidentiality obligations and prohibited behaviors of the recipient of the trade secret. The thesis analyzes the judgments of civil courts and explores the management and litigation methods of trade secrets between business partners. Given the judgment of the eligibility of trade secrets information is the first priority in litigation, the thesis first uses the classification of the business secrets claimed by the plaintiff in the case to analyze the court’s judgments and opinions on formulas, machine manufacturing methods, and technologies. The thesis found that courts have a stricter attitude towards whether the information claimed by the plaintiff constitutes a trade secret, and the plaintiff also needs to be more specific and provides more evidence to prove that the claimed information meets the requirements of a trade secret. Based on the opinions of the courts, the thesis proposes management methods and litigation methods that business owners can do with formulas, machine manufacturing methods, and technologies. After establishing trade secrets, the thesis sorts out different business partnerships and provides trade secrets management methods that business owners could adopt under the relationship of manufacturing (subcontract), licensing, and commissioned development. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 105364219 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105364219 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202100230 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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