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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/133901
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    Title: 論開放非金融機構辦理匯兌業務法律問題-兼從櫻桃支付案例論金融科技的發展
    Research on Legal Issues of Opening The Remittance Market For The Informal Remittance System and The Development of Financial Technology In Case of Cherrypay
    Authors: 張芸慈
    Chang, Yun-Tzu
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Chang, Yun-Tzu
    Keywords: 匯兌業務
    銀行法 第 29 條第 1 項
    Underground remittance market
    Informal money transfer system
    The article 29 of the banking act of the Republic of China
    Anti-Money laundering and the countering the financing of terrorism policy
    The act governing electronic payment institutions
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-02-01 14:12:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   過往金融體系之形成,倚賴金融市場及銀行等金融中介機構相輔相成發展,而鑒於科技技術顯著進步,銀行業生態自過往以銀行為中心之Bank 1.0時代,進化至行動裝置設備普及率顯著上升之Bank 3.0時代,銀行業於金融領域之優勢遭電子商務公司取代,出現「去中心化」之金融服務模式。
      In the past, financial system consisted of financial market and financial intermediaries; however, given the significant advancement of technology, it has developed to electronic banking via mobile devices (so called Bank 3.0 era), instead of traditional way of completing transactions in the bank. With the decentralized finance showing up, the advantages of banks has been replaced by the e-commerce companies.
      In our country, The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions was implemented in 2015 to ensure safe and convenient electronic funds transfer services; however, compare to most countries open the remittance market while breaking the boundary of banks and non-financial institutions, The Banking Act of The Republic of China insists on highly regulating the remittance market. It stipulates in article 29 that, ”Unless otherwise provided by law, any person other than a Bank shall not Accept Deposits, manage Trust Funds or public property under mandate or handle domestic or foreign remittances.” Thus, it’s worthy of discussing whether this legal policy need to be modified.
      In the other hand, the remittance market in our country seems to be inefficient, which contributes to the flourishing of underground remittance market. The criminal organizations usually launder money through the informal money transfer system because of its convenience and anonymity.The article will also discuss this issue, and show the risk of laundering money if not prudently implementing the Anti-Money laundering and the countering the financing of terrorism policies.
    Reference: 中文資料(按作者姓氏筆劃排序)
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107651041
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202100058
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Law] Theses

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