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    Title: 新自由主義發展下之拉丁美洲區域經濟整合:從南錐共同市場到太平洋聯盟
    Regional Economic Integration in Latin America from the Perspective of Neo-liberalism: From MERCOSUR to Pacific Alliance
    Authors: 廖婉婷
    Liao, Wan-Ting
    Contributors: 鄧中堅
    Teng, Chung-Chian
    Liao, Wan-Ting
    Keywords: 新自由主義
    Latin America
    Regional Economic Integration
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-09-02 12:59:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自第二次世界大戰以降,新自由主義(Neo-liberalism)浪潮席捲全球,各地區的區域整合風起雲湧,拉丁美洲也不例外。本文透過檢視自20世紀開始,新自由主義風潮影響下之拉丁美洲區域經濟整合歷史發展,並整合國際、以及各國內部因素之影響,透過質性研究中的歷史分析法、個案分析法以及比較研究,試圖暸解未來該區域整合之趨勢。有鑑於拉丁美洲區域整合組織長久以來存在「碎裂化」(fragmentation)特性,本文以南錐共同市場與太平洋聯盟為例說明拉丁美洲區域經濟整合,並結合域外國際行為者,進一步比較雙方之異同。借鑒歐洲聯盟的成功經驗,1991年時,由巴西、阿根廷、巴拉圭、烏拉圭四國成立南錐共同市場(Mercado Común del Sur, MERCOSUR),各種開放性貿易措施帶來的除了可觀的經濟成長,也衍生市場管制問題,更由於國際環境的變化、國家間爭議以及各國國內狀況等複雜因素使得南錐共同市場的整合不如預期中順利進展,頻頻遭遇阻礙。2011年,緊鄰太平洋側的墨西哥、哥倫比亞、智利、秘魯奠基於既有的合作項目,進一步簽署協定成立太平洋聯盟(Alianza del Pacífico),主張與太平洋國家建立更緊密的多面項連結,包括日本、韓國、東南亞國協、澳洲、紐西蘭、中國等。現今互賴的國際情勢下,面對愈加嚴峻的區域整合挑戰,再度揭櫫南錐共同市場與太平洋聯盟會是合作抑或競爭無法以如此二分法觀察,不過雙方均朝著長遠擘畫的合作願景下持續發揮自身影響力。
    Since the Second World War, the wave of Neo-liberalism has swept the world, regional integration has been surging around the globe, and Latin America is no exception. This article aims to understand the future trend of regional integration by examining the historical development of regional economic integration in Latin America including the internal and external factors under the influence of neo-liberalism since the beginning of the 20th century through historical analysis, case analysis and comparative research in qualitative research method. In view of the long-standing “fragmentation” characteristics of regional integration organizations in Latin America, the article chooses the Southern Cone Common Market (Mercado Común del Sur, MERCOSUR) and the Pacific Alliance (Alianza del Pacífico) as examples, and further compares the similarities and differences between the two parties in conjunction with international actors outside the region. Drawing on the successful experience of the European Union, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay established MECOSUR in 1991. It received considerable economic growth from open trade and deregulation policies; however, the issue of market control, disputes between countries, and changes in the international environment let MERCOSUR encounter obstacles on the process of further integration frequently. On the other hand, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Peru signed an agreement to establish Pacific Alliance in 2011. It advocates the establishment of closer multi-faceted links with Pacific countries, including Japan, South Korea, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Australia, New Zealand, and China. As the current international situation of interdependence, it is certain that MERCOSUR and Pacific Alliance play essential roles in the face of serious challenges of regional integration and still keep moving towards long-term development and cooperation.
    Reference: 中文


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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105253027
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202001360
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