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    Title: 我國南向政策在越南發展演進研究
    A Study on the Evolution of Taiwan’s Southbound Policy: The case in Vietnam
    Authors: 邱柏涵
    Chiu, Po-Han
    Contributors: 王定士
    Wang, Ding-Shi
    Chiu, Po-Han
    Keywords: 區域自由貿易協定
    Regional Free Trade Agreement
    Taiwan enterprises
    Southbound policy
    Taiwan-Vietnam bilateral relations
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-08-03 18:29:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於全球貿易自由化的影響,許多國家為了經濟安全及提升競爭力,進而紛紛擴大市場規模,加入區域自由貿易協定,並積極從事海外直接投資,除了中國大陸之外,越南已是目前臺商進行海外投資的首選。而我國政府在90年代初期時,為了避免經濟上過度依賴中國大陸,也提出了「南向政策」,當時許多的臺資企業前仆後繼響應政府到越南發展,正式開啟了我國與越南實質關係的發展之路。本文將以地緣政治及國際戰略途徑探討臺越雙邊關係歷年變化、我國「南向政策」在越南發展演進情形及「南向政策」未來走向。
    Due to the impact of global trade liberalization, many countries have expanded their market size in order to promote economic security and enhance competitiveness. They have joined regional free trade agreements and are actively engaged in overseas direct investment. In addition to mainland China, Vietnam is currently a Taiwan’s enterprises first choice for overseas investment. In the early 1990s, our government also proposed a “Southbound Policy” in order to avoid excessive economic dependence on mainland China. At that time, many Taiwan’s enterprises successively went to Vietnam to invest, and started the substantial relationship between Taiwan and Vietnam. This article will use geopolitical and international strategic approaches to explore the changes in bilateral relations between Taiwan and Vietnam over years, the evolution of Taiwan`s “Southbound Policy” in Vietnam, and the future direction of “Southbound Policy”.
    Reference: Chinese
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