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    Title: 新聞客觀性:論記者在新聞實踐中的新聞客觀性展現
    Journalistic Objectivity: Discussion of News Objectivity Performance From The News Practice of Journalist
    Authors: 郭逸
    Kuo, Yi
    Contributors: 孫式文
    Sun, Se-Wen
    Kuo, Yi
    Keywords: 記者
    News objectivity
    Pragmatic Objectivity
    Active Process
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-12-06 09:23:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新聞客觀性是記者產製新聞的原則,過往多為二元的解釋,也就是新聞事實與記者的個人觀點必須分開。但新聞工作環境變遷,實際在新聞工作中的新聞客觀性,已產生差異,應找出更與時俱進的解釋。本研究從記者的新聞實踐中探詢記者對新聞客觀性的展現,以Ward的實用客觀性及Maras的主動過程等新聞客觀性的概念為基底,並使用深度訪談法訪問23位記者。結果顯示,記者在產製新聞的過程中,依然保有新聞客觀性,因為記者追求更貼近事實的新聞事實;透過維持中立的解釋性媒介驅動臨場感,記者涉入新聞並使閱聽眾更感同身受;而獨家新聞和專題新聞自我掌控程度較高,更能呈現新聞客觀性;本研究主要發現在於現今記者對新聞客觀性的認知與呈現,趨於特定群眾化,已非過去講求大眾接受的解釋層次,記者產製新聞更在意閱聽眾的想法及市場導向;組織的控制和即時新聞的普及則是阻礙新聞客觀性的元兇。
    News Objectivity is the principle for journalists. The explanation for news objectivity in the past is always binary, which means the news fact should be separated from journalists’ opinions. However, the news-work environment changes, the explanation for news objectivity would be different ,and it needs to be defined more accurately. The research discusses the news objectivity performance from the news practice of journalists. The basic theory of the research is the Pragmatic Objectivity proposed by Stephen Ward and the Active Process proposed by Steven Maras. By the in-depth interview, the research interviews 23 journalists and evidence that the journalists still keep news objectivity on their work. Journalists search for the news fact closes to the actual fact as possible and keep neutrality by interpretive medium for driving the feeling of presence, aiming to make the audience feel the same feeling; furthermore, due to higher control, exclusive news and special report show more news objectivity for journalists. Most importantly, The research finds that news objectivity nowadays should be explained as specific massification, but not for the republic as always. Journalists pay more attention to the audience and make the news market-oriented. Also, the control from the company and popularization of instant news are the two main culprits for the news being lack of news objectivity.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901251
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