Reference: | 第一部分:中文文獻
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肆、政府公報 1. 立法院公報,第108卷第56期,2019年6月17日。 2. 法務部統計處編制,法務統計月報,2019年3月。
伍、法院延長羈押裁定 1. 台北地方法院 107 年度重訴字第 8 號裁定 2. 台北地方法院 107 年度訴字第 691 號裁定 3. 台北地方法院 107 年度訴字第 393 號裁定 4. 台北地方法院 107 年度訴字第 279 號裁定 5. 台北地方法院 107 年度訴字第 823 號裁定 6. 台北地方法院 107 年度訴字第 599 號裁定 7. 台灣高等法院 107 年度侵上訴字第 167 號裁定 8. 台灣高等法院 107 年度上重訴字第 24 號裁定 9. 台灣高等法院 107 年度上訴字第 2026 號裁定 10. 司法院刑事補償法庭 102 年度台覆字第 59 號覆審決定書 11. 最高法院 100 年台上字第 4177 號判決 12. 最高法院 98 年度台抗字第 691 號裁定 13. 最高法院 92 年度台抗字第 122 號裁定
壹、專書 1. Stefan Trechsel(2005), HUMAN RIGHTS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, London: Oxford University Press. 2. Fair Trial International, A Measure of Last Resort? The Practice of Pre-Trial Detention Decision Making in the EU, 2016.
貳、期刊論文 1. Wayne Martin, Timeliness in the Justice System, Ideas and Innovations: Because delay is a kind of denial, MONASH UNIVERSITY LAW CHAMBERS, (2014). 2. Lonneke Stevens, Pre-Trial Detention: The Presumption of Innocence and Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights Cannot and Does Not Limit its Increasing Use, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CRIME, CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 17 (2009).
參、國際人權公約文書及政府出版 1. Ivana Roagna, The right to trial within reasonable time under Article 6 ECHR, Council of Europe Publishing, 2018. 2. ICCPR General Comment No. 35: Right to liberty and security of persons (Art. 9), CCPR/C/GC/35, 16 December 2014. 3. ICCPR General Comment No. 32: Right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial (Art. 14), CCPR/C/GC/32, 23 August 2007. 4. ICCPR General Comment No. 18: Non-discrimination, 10 November 1989.
肆、聯合國人權事務委員會決定 1. Human Rights Committee, Mikhail Marinich v Belarus, Communication No. 1502/2006. 2. Human Rights Committee, Fongum Gorji-Dinka v Cameroon, Communication No. 1134/2002. 3. Human Rights Committee, Hill v. Spain, Communication No. 526/1993. 4. Human Rights Committee, Mukong v Cameroon, Communication No. 458/1991. 5. Human Rights Committee, Jalloh v. The Netherlands, Communication No. 794/1988. 6. Human Rights Committee, Van Alphen v. The Netherlands, Communication No. 305/1988. 7. Human Rights Committee, Campbell v. Jamaica, Communication No. 248/1987.
A. Italy 1. ECtHR. Fodale v. Italy, Judgment of 1 June 2006, Appl. 70148/01. 2. ECtHR. Labita v. Italy, Judgment of 6 April 2000, Appl. 26772/95. 3. ECtHR. Contrada v. Italy, Judgment of 24 August 1998, Appl. 27143/95. 4. ECtHR. Scollo v. Italy, Judgment of 28 September 1995, Appl.19133/91. 5. ECtHR. Katte Klitsche de la Grange v. Italy, Judgment of 27 October 1994, Appl. 12539/86. 6. ECtHR. Vendittelli v. Italy, Judgment of 18 July 1994, Appl. 14804/89. 7. ECtHR. Muti v. Italy, Judgment of 23 March 1994, Appl. 14146/88. 8. ECtHR. Messina v. Italy, Judgment of 26 February 1993, Appl. 13803/88. 9. ECtHR. Trevisan v. Italy, Judgment of 26 February 1993, Appl. 13688/88. 10. ECtHR. Giancarlo Lombardo v. Italy, Judgment of 26 November 1992, Appl. 12490/86. 11. ECtHR. Barbagallo v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 13132/87. 12. ECtHR. Cifola v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 13216/87. 13. ECtHR, Lorenzi, Bernardini and Gritti v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 13301/87. 14. ECtHR. Borgese v. Italy, Judgment of 26 February 1992, Appl. 12870/87. 15. ECtHR. Tumminelli v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 13362/87. 16. ECtHR. Manifattura FL v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12407/86. 17. ECtHR. Idrocalce S.R.L. v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12088/86. 18. ECtHR. Cardarelli v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12148/86. 19. ECtHR. Ruotolo v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12460/86. 20. ECtHR. Golino v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12172/86. 21. ECtHR. Cooperativa Parco Cuma v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12145/86. 22. ECtHR. Serrentino v. Italy, Judgment of 27 February 1992, Appl. 12295/86. 23. ECtHR. Monaco v. Italy, Judgment of 26 February 1992, Appl. 12923/87. 24. European Commission of Human Rights, Ciancimino v. Italy, Decision of 27 May 1991, Appl. 12541/86, DR 70. 25. ECtHR. Manzoni v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 11804/85. 26. ECtHR. Ferraro v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 13440/87. 27. ECtHR. Maj v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 13087/87. 28. ECtHR. Adiletta and Others v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 13978/88; 14236/88; 14237/88. 29. ECtHR. Brigandì v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 11460/85. 30. ECtHR. Girolami v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 13324/87. 31. ECtHR. Frau v. Italy, Judgment of 19 February 1991, Appl. 12147/86. 32. ECtHR. Bezicheri v. Italy, Judgment of 25 October 1989, Appl. 11400/85. 33. ECtHR. Capuano v. Italy, Judgment of 25 June 1987, Appl. 9381/81. 34. ECtHR. Pretto and others v. Italy, Judgment of 8 December 1983, Appl. 7984/77. 35. ECtHR. Corigliano v. Italy, Judgment of 10 December 1982, Appl. 8304/78. 36. ECtHR. Foti and others v. Italy, Judgment of 10 December 1982, App. 7604/76; 7719/76; 7781/77; 7913/77.
B. France 1. ECtHR. Beaumer v. France, Judgment of 8 June 2004, Appl. 65323/01. 2. ECtHR. Garcia v. France, Judgment of 26 September 2000, Appl. 41001/98. 3. ECtHR. Caloc v. France, Judgment of 20 July 2000, Appl. 33951/96. 4. ECtHR. Frydlender v. France, Judgment of 27 June 2000, Appl. 30979/96. 5. ECtHR. I.A. v. France, Judgment of 23 September 1998, Appl. 28213/95. 6. ECtHR. Muller v. France, Judgment of 17 March 1997, Appl. 21802/93. 7. ECtHR. Allenet de Ribemont v. France, Judgment of 10 February 1995, Appl. 15175/89. 8. ECtHR. Karakaya v. France, Judgment of 26 August 1994, Appl. 22800/93. 9. ECtHR. Beaumartin v. France, Judgment of 24 January 1994, Appl. 15287/89. 10. ECtHR. Monnet v. France, Judgment of 27 October 1993, Appl. 13675/88. 11. ECtHR. Dobbertin v. France, Judgment of 25 February 1993, Appl. 13089/87. 12. ECtHR. Tomasi v. France, Judgment of 27 August 1992, Appl. 12850/87. 13. ECtHR. X. v. France, Judgment of 31 March 1992, Appl. 18020/91. 14. ECtHR. Kemmache v. France, Judgment of 27 November 1991, Appl. 12325/86. 15. ECtHR. Letellier v. France, Judgment of 26 June 1991, Appl. 12369/86. 16. ECtHR. Vernillo v. France, Judgment of 20 February 1991, Appl. 11889/85.
C. Germany 1. ECtHR. Ilnseher v. Germany, Judgment of 4 December 2018, Appl. 10211/12 and 27505/14. 2. ECtHR. Chraidi v. Germany, Judgment of 26 October 2006, Appl. 65655/01. 3. ECtHR. Dzelili v. Germany, Judgment of 10 November 2005, Appl. 65745/01. 4. ECtHR. Cevizovic v. Germany, Judgment of 29 July 2004, Appl. 49746/99. 5. ECtHR. Gast and Popp v. Germany, Judgment of 25 February 2000, Appl. 29357/95. 6. ECtHR. K.-F v. Germany, Judgment of 27 November 1997, Appl. 25629/94. 7. ECtHR. Bock v. Germany, Judgment of 29 March 1989, Appl. 11118/84. 8. ECtHR. Deumeland v. Germany, Judgment of 29 May 1986, Appl. 9384/81. 9. ECtHR. Eckle v. Germany, Judgment of 15 July 1982, Appl. 8130/78. 10. ECtHR. Buchholz v. Germany, Judgment of 6 May 1981, Appl. 7759/77. 11. ECtHR. König v. Germany, Judgment of 28 June 1978, Appl. 6232/73. 12. European Commission of Human Rights, Levy v. Germany, Decision of 17 December 1973, Appl. 6066/73. 13. ECtHR. Wemhoff v. Germany, Judgment of 27 June 1968,Appl. 2122/64.
D. Poland 1. ECtHR. Rutkowski and Others v. Poland, Judgment of 7 July 2015, Appl. 72287/10; 13927/11; 46187/11. 2. ECtHR. Frasik v. Poland, Judgment of 5 January 2010, Appl. 22933/02. 3. ECtHR. Kauczor v. Poland, Judgment of 3 February 2009, Appl. 45219/06. 4. ECtHR. Ladent v Poland, Judgment of 18 March 2008, Appl. 11036/03. 5. ECtHR. Gładczak v. Poland, Judgment of 31 May 2007, Appl. 14255/02. 6. ECtHR. Ambruszkiewicz v Poland, Judgment of 4 May 2006, Appl. 38797/03. 7. ECtHR. Jarzyński v. Poland, Judgment of 4 October 2005, Appl. 15479/02. 8. ECtHR. Iłowiecki v. Poland, Judgment of 4 October 2001, Appl. 27504/95. 9. ECtHR. Bejer v. Poland, Judgment of 4 October 2001, Appl. 38328/97. 10. ECtHR. Jablonski v. Poland, Judgment of 21 December 2000, Appl. 33492/96. 11. ECtHR. Wloch v. Poland, Judgment of 19 October 2000, Appl. 27785/95. 12. ECtHR. Musiał v. Poland, Judgment of 25 March 1999, Appl. 24557/94.
E. United Kingdom 1. ECtHR. A. and Others v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 19 February 2009, Appl. 3455/05. 2. ECtHR. McKay v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 3 October 2006, Appl. 543/03. 3. ECtHR. O’Hara v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 16 October 2001, Appl. 37555/97. 4. ECtHR. S.B.C. v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 19 June 2001, Appl. 39360/98. 5. ECtHR, Steel and Others v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 23 September 1998, Appl. 4838/94. 6. ECtHR. Singh v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 21 February 1996, Appl. 23389/94. 7. ECtHR. Hussain v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 21 February 1996, Appl. 21928/93. 8. ECtHR. Murray v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 28 October 1994, Appl. 14310/88. 9. ECtHR. Darnell v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 26 October 1993, Appl. 15058/89. 10. ECtHR, Fox, Campbell and Hartley v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 30 August 1990, Appl. 12244/86; 12245/86; 12383/86. 11. ECtHR. H. v. the United Kingdom, Judgment of 8 July 1987, Appl. 9580/81.
F. Austria 1. ECtHR. Wiesinger v. Austria, Judgment of 30 October 1991, Appl. 11796/85. 2. ECtHR. Obermeier v. Austria, Judgment of 28 June 1990, Appl. 11761/85. 3. ECtHR. B. v. Austria, Judgment of 28 March 1990, Appl. 11968/86. 4. ECtHR. Poiss v. Austria, Judgment of 23 April 1987, Appl. 9816/82. 5. ECtHR. Lechner and Hess v. Austria, Judgment of 23 April 1987, Appl. 9316/81. 6. ECtHR. Erkner and Hofauer v. Austria, Judgment of 23 April 1987, Appl. 9616/81. 7. European Commission of Human Rights, Can v. Austria, Report of 12 July 1984, Appl. 9300/8, Series A. 8. ECtHR. Ringeisen v. Austria, Judgment of 16 July 1971, Appl. 2614/65. 9. ECtHR. Neumeister v. Austria, Judgment of 27 June 1968, Appl. 1936/63.
G. Russia 1. ECtHR. Idalov v. Russia, Judgment of 22 May 2012, Appl. 5826/03. 2. ECtHR, Khodorkovskiy v. Russia, Judgment of 31 May 2011, Appl. 5829/04. 3. ECtHR. Aleksandr Makarov v. Russia, Judgment of 12 March 2009, Appl. 15217/01. 4. ECtHR. Melnikova v. Russia, Judgment of 21 June 2007, Appl. 24552/02. 5. ECtHR. Khudoyorov v. Russia, Judgment of 8 November 2005, Appl. 6847/02. 6. ECtHR. Panchenko v. Russia, Judgment of 8 February 2005, Appl. 45100/98. 7. ECtHR. Kalashnikov v. Russia, Judgment of 15 July 2002, Appl. 47095/99.
H. Portugal 1. ECtHR. Silva Pontes v. Portugal, Judgment of 23 March 1994, Appl. 14940/89. 2. ECtHR. Moreira de Azevedo v. Portugal, Judgment of 23 October 1990, Appl. 11296/84. 3. ECtHR. Neves e Silva v. Portugal, Judgment of 27 April 1989, Appl. 11213/84. 4. ECtHR. Martins Moreira v. Portugal, Judgment of 26 October 1988, Appl. 11371/85. 5. ECtHR. Baraona v. Portugal, Judgment of 8 July 1987, Appl. 10092/82. 6. ECtHR. Guincho v. Portugal, Judgment of 10 July 1984, Appl. 8990/80.
I. Switzerland 1. ECtHR. W. v. Switzerland, Judgment of 26 January 1993, Appl. 14379/88. 2. ECtHR. Zimmermann and Steiner v. Switzerland, Judgment of 13 July 1983, Appl. 8737/79. 3. European Commission of Human Rights, Bonnechaux v. Switzerland, Decision of 5 December 1978, Appl. 8224/78. 4. European Commission of Human Rights, Schertenleib v. Switzerland, Decision of 12 July 1979, Appl. 8339/78.
J. Belgium 1. ECtHR. Boddaert v. Belgium, Judgment of 12 October 1992, Appl. 12919/87. 2. ECtHR. Clooth v. Belgium, Judgment of 12 December 1991, Appl. 12718/87. 3. ECtHR. Deweer v. Belgium, Judgment of 27 February 1980, Appl. 6903/75. 4. ECtHR. De Wilde, Ooms and Versyp v. Belgium, Judgment of 18 November 1970, Appl. 2832/66; 2835/66; 2899/66.
K. Turkey 1. ECtHR. Selçuk v. Turkey, Judgment of 10 January 2006, Appl. 21768/02. 2. ECtHR. Arap Yalgin and others v. Turkey, Judgment of 25 September 2001, Appl. 33370/96. 3. ECtHR. Erdagöz v. Turkey, Judgment of 22 October 1997, Appl. 21890/93. 4. ECtHR. Yağcı and Sargın v. Turkey, Judgment of 8 June 1995, Appl. 16419/90; 16426/90.
L. Moldova 1. ECtHR. Buzadji v. the Republic of Moldova, Judgment of 5 July 2016, Appl. 23755/07. 2. ECtHR. Ţurcan and Ţurcan v. Moldova, Judgment of 23 October 2007, Appl. 39835/05. 3. ECtHR. Becciev v. Moldova, Judgment of 4 October 2005, Appl. 9190/03.
M. Bulgaria 1. ECtHR. Ilijkov v. Bulgaria, Judgment of 26 July 2001, Appl. 33977/96. 2. ECtHR. Nikolova v. Bulgaria, Judgment of 25 March 1999, Appl. 1195/96. 3. ECtHR. Assenov and Others V. Bulgaria, Judgment of 28 October 1998, Appl. 24760/94.
N. Czech Republic 1. ECtHR. Barfuss v. Czech Republic, Judgment of 31 July 2000, Appl. 35848/97. 2. ECtHR. Český v. Czech Republic, Judgment of 6 June 2000, Appl. 33644/96. 3. ECtHR. Punzelt v. Czech Republic, Judgment of 25 April 2000, Appl. 31315/96.
O. Estonia 1. ECtHR. Ovsjannikov v. Estonia, Judgment of 20 February 2014, Appl. 1346/12. 2. ECtHR. Sulaoja v. Estonia, Judgment of 15 February 2005, Appl. 55939/00.
P. Greece 1. ECtHR. Kampanis v. Greece, Judgment of 13 July 1995, Appl. 17977/91. 2. ECtHR. Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreadis v. Greece, Judgment of 9 December 1994, Appl. 13427/87.
Q. Spain 1. ECtHR. Ruiz-Mateos v. Spain, Judgment of 23 June 1993, Appl. 12952/87. 2. ECtHR. Unión Alimentaria Sanders S.A. v. Spain, Judgment of 7 July 1989, Appl. 11681/85.
R. The Netherlands 1. ECtHR. Abdoella v. the Netherlands, Judgment 25 November 1992, Appl. 12728/87. 2. ECtHR. Koendjbiharie v. the Netherlands, Judgment of 25 October 1990, Appl. 11487/85.
S. Slovakia 1. ECtHR. Štvrtecký v. Slovakia, Judgment of 5 June 2018, Appl. 55844/12. 2. ECtHR. Cernák v. Slovakia, Judgment of 17 December 2013, Appl. 36997/08.
T. San Marino 1. ECtHR. Podeschi v. San Marino, Judgment of 13 April 2017, Appl. 66357/14.
U. Croatia 1. ECtHR. Milanković and Bošnjak v. Croatia, Judgment of 26 April 2016, Appl. 37762/12; 23530/13.
V. Azerbaijan 1. ECtHR. Ilgar Mammadov v. Azerbaijan, Judgment of 22 May 2014, Appl. 15172/13.
W. Ukraine 1. ECtHR. Korneykova v. Ukraine, Judgment of 19 January 2012, Appl. 39884/05.
X. Sweden 1. ECtHR. Olsson v. Sweden (No. 2), Judgment of 27 November 1992, Appl. 13441/87.
Y. Georgia 1. ECtHR. Merabishvili v. Georgia, Judgment of 28 November 2017, Appl. 72508/13.
Z. Serbia 1. ECtHR. Vrenčev v. Serbia, Judgment of 23 September 2008, Appl. 2361/05. |