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Title: | 代理商行銷模式創新之研究 - 崇越科技 Research on the innovation of agent marketing model Case Study of TOPCO SCIENTIFIC CO.,LTD. |
Authors: | 劉永忠 LIU, YUNG-CHUNG |
Contributors: | 季延平 劉永忠 LIU, YUNG-CHUNG |
Keywords: | 代理商 半導體 崇越科技 |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 15:54:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 半導體產業具有資本密集、技術密集的特性,反應在獲利績效上,則是高風險及高獲利性;即大賺、大賠、高獲利、高風險的產業特性。近年來,對半導體相關材料和化學品的需求已達到300億新台幣。蓬勃發展的半導體產業也推動了產業鏈中對相關材料和化學品的巨大需求。新規格工廠大規模生產後,對材料和化學品的需求可高達近1000億元。
半導體原物料供應商與整體半導體產業之間的關係密不可分。由於半導體產品淘汰快速,整個半導體原物料供應商必須作到資訊即時連線,有彈性的因應市場的緊急需求與快速變化。在如此龐大的市場商機驅動之下,使得許多大廠紛紛投入大量資源,致力於半導體原物料供應產業。然而,在過去之研究文獻中,以半導體原物料專業行銷為主題之相關研究卻數量稀少。因此,本研究將以顧客的觀點出發,探討半導體原物料供應商之行銷模式研究,並根據研究結果提出建議,以做為業者未來決策發展之參考。 The semiconductor industry is characterized by capital intensiveness and technology intensiveness. In terms of profitability performance, it is high risk and high profitability; that is, the industry characteristics of big profit, big loss, high profit, and high risk. In recent years, demand for semiconductor-related materials and chemicals has reached NT$30 billion. The booming semiconductor industry has also driven huge demand for related materials and chemicals in the industry chain. After the large-scale production of new, the demand for materials and chemicals can reach nearly 100 billion yuan. The relationship between semiconductor raw material suppliers and the overall semiconductor industry is inextricably linked. Due to the rapid elimination of semiconductor products, semiconductor raw material supplier must make instant information connection, flexible to respond to the urgent needs and rapid changes of the. by such a huge market opportunity, many large companies have invested a lot of resources in the semiconductor raw material supply industry. However, in the past research, the related on the professional marketing of semiconductor materials is rare. Therefore, this study will explore the marketing model of semiconductor raw suppliers from the perspective of customers, and make recommendations based on the results, as a reference for the future decision-making development of industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 106932055 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932055 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900842 |
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