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    题名: 概念構圖融入國語說明文教學對國小身心障礙學生閱讀理解之成效
    The effect of reading comprehension for students with disabilities on concept mapping skills into teaching Mandarin expository text
    作者: 張佳琦
    Chang, Chia-Chi
    贡献者: 王梅玲
    Chang, Chia-Chi
    关键词: 概念構圖
    Concept mapping
    Students with disabilities
    Reading understanding
    Single case research
    Reading strategy
    日期: 2019
    上传时间: 2019-08-07 17:22:49 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 閱讀能力的培養是每一位學童在學校階段都亟需具備的重要能力,閱讀理解的能力影響著學習情況成效的優劣,隨著年級的增長和閱讀文本難度與篇幅長度的提升,身心障礙學生更需要教師教導閱讀策略工具的使用,幫助他們能更有系統地將文章內容作擷取與整合。本研究旨在探討概念構圖策略融入國語說明文教學對國小身心障礙學生的閱讀理解成效影響,其中閱讀理解測驗中的命題架構分為語法、表層文意理解、分析比較和推論共四項。
    一、 概念構圖融入說明文教學策略與課程設計:(一)採用小組合作繪製概念構圖有助於國小身心障礙學生學習。(二)聚焦單項概念構圖和策略能提升閱讀理解的成效。
    二、 概念構圖融入對研究對象之閱讀理解成效:(一)概念構圖融入國語說明文教學,均有效提升受試對象在閱讀理解中的表層文意理解與分析比較的表現。(二)概念構圖融入國語說明文教學,受試對象在閱讀理解測驗中的語法與推論的表現呈正向趨勢,但立即成效未完全穩定一致提升需考量個別差異。(三)概念構圖融入國語說明文教學中,對受試對象在閱讀理解整體得分均呈正向提升,但成效顯著性不一致需考量個別差異。
    三、 概念構圖教學困難及改進之處具體作法:(一)對概念構圖中層級較高的架構提取需要拉長教學時間與提供鷹架。(二)教材屬性越聚焦於單一主軸,或相對學習者來說較具認知負荷的內容,使用概念構圖融入教學更能提升閱讀理解成效與釐清概念迷思。

    The cultivation of one’s reading ability is an important ability that every child needs in school. The ability to read and understand text will affect a student’s learning outcomes. As a student grows older and the difficulty and length of textbooks as well as assigned readings increase, students with physical and mental disabilities need teachers to teach them how to use reading strategy tools, which helps students with physical and mental disabilities to systematically capture and integrate the content of the text. The purpose of this study is to explore The Effect of Reading Comprehension for Students with Disabilities on Concept Mapping Skills into Teaching Mandarin Expository Text. Among them, the propositional structure in the reading comprehension test is divided into four parts: grammar, surface meaning understanding, analysis comparison, and inference.
    This research method uses a cross-group multi-baseline design in a single case study. The subjects were five fifth to sixth grade students from a physical and mental disability resource class in an elementary school in Taoyuan City. The students include two with mild intellectual disabilities, one student with an other disorder, and two students with learning disabilities. The single case research method is to use the research object as its own control by introducing self-changing items of concept mapping into teaching, showing good experimental control. Confirm the causal relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable, Based on quantitative research data, Qualitative description as auxiliary. The quantitative data is to analysis the performance on self-generated comprehension test before the baseline and after the intervening articles. The qualitative description is composed by teacher’s observation and the conceptual compositions drawn by the subject.
    According to the results of data analysis, various performance change curves, visual analysis tables, simplified time series analysis C statistics and qualitative data, the following conclusions can be obtained:
    First, effects of the conceptual composition integration into the instructional teaching strategy and curriculum design: (1) Using teamwork to draw conceptual composition helps elementary students with disabilities to learn. (2) Focusing on individual concept composition and strategies can improve the effectiveness of reading comprehension.
    Second, the effects of integrating conceptual composition into the reading comprehension to the research objects: (1) The integration of concept mapping strategy with Chinese exposition articles will effectively enhances the performance of the literal comprehension and compare and contrast performance of reading comprehension of the subjects (2) The performance of grammar and inference outcome of the subjects shows positive tendency after the integration of concept mapping strategy with Chinese exposition articles are used, but the immediate effect is not completely stable and consistent so that individual differences needs to be considered. (3) When concept mapping is integrated into Chinese exposition article teaching, the overall scores of the reading comprehension in the subject had positively improved, but the significant effect of subjects are not consistent and is needed to consider individual differences.
    Third, the difficulties and improvements of concept mapping teaching: (1) The higher level of architecture extraction in the concept composition requires longer period of teaching and provide scaffolding. (2) The more the attributes of the textbook focus on a single main axis, or the content of cognitive load relative to the learner, the use of concept mapping into the teaching can improve the effectiveness of reading comprehension and clarify the concept myth.

    Keyword: Concept Mapping、Students with Disabilities、Reading understanding、single case research、Expository-writing、Reading strategy.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106913021
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900261
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