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    Title: 臺北市政府消防人員數位學習動機與學習成效之研究
    A study of e-Learning motivation and learning effectiveness of firefighters in Taipei City Government
    Authors: 甘瑞雯
    Kan, Jui-Wen
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li-Kuei
    Kan, Jui-Wen
    Keywords: 數位學習
    Learning motivation
    Learning performance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:22:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應數位學習時代來臨,政府也不遺餘力推動各種課程,讓學習更有彈性。然政府推行數位學習以一般公務人員為主,較少針對勤業務特殊例如警消醫護人員開發相關課程或研究。消防人員平時勤務繁重,除常年訓練或特定班期指派受訓外,較少進行個人的教育訓練。本研究針對臺北市政府消防局同仁為研究對象,接續前人進行數位學習之學習動機及學習成效等相關構面進行研究,並探討不同背景之消防人員之學習動機、學習知覺及學習成效之間關係。
    In response to the advent of the digital learning era, the government has spared no effort to promote various courses to make learning more flexible. However, the government promotes digital learning to be based on general public servants, and less on the development of relevant courses or research for special business personnel such as police and medical personnel. Firefighters often have heavy workloads. In addition to regular training or assigned training for specific classes, there is less personal education. This study is aimed at the research of the Taipei City Fire Department colleagues, and carries out research on the learning motivation and learning performance of the digital learning of the predecessors, and explores the learning motivation, learning perception and learning effectiveness of firefighters with different backgrounds.
    This study mainly explores the two courses of the public service staff`s general 10-hour course (policy-related, gender mainstreaming related courses, etc.) and the "Emergency Medical Course" that has been jointly developed by the firefighter’s professional course. The results of the study showed that there were no significant differences in the learning motivations, digital learning frequency, educational training materials, cognitive usefulness, response level, learning level and behavioral level among firefighters with different backgrounds; there were significant differences from different background variables with experience with digital learning platforms, computer and network environments, and cognitive ease of use. Colleagues generally believe that they can apply what they have learned to their work, and they are positive about the teaching materials and think that they can increase their professional courses in firefighter’s training courses. After discussing the above various facet relationships, it is hoped that through the system setting, curriculum planning and internal management, the three aspects of learning motivation and learning effectiveness will be promoted, and digital learning will be further promoted.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106913018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900224
    Appears in Collections:[圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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