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Title: | 習近平的南海戰略、挑戰與因應:2012~2018 Xi Jinping`s strategy, challenge, and accommodation in the South China Sea: 2012-2018 |
Authors: | 王繼舜 Wang, Chi-Shun |
Contributors: | 李明 王繼舜 Wang, Chi-Shun |
Keywords: | 習近平 中共 南海 戰略文化 地緣政治 國際規範 國家戰略 Xi Jinping PRC South China Sea Strategic Culture Geopolitics International Norms National Strategy |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 16:58:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 21世紀以後,中共成為區域大國與軍事強國的態勢已為世所公認;而中共將成為怎樣的一個大國,則為所有國家關切。習近平自2012年成為中共第五代領導人以來,已提出新的國家戰略,同時也面對以美國為主的挑戰。本論文試圖以中國大歷史、中國戰略文化與國際關係理論,分析習近平時期的中共南海戰略。本論文所要分析的假設主要有三者,即中國大歷史戰略的循環;中共綜合國力對其戰略布局的影響;以及國際對中共的規範和習近平的因應。透過研究,本論文不但對學術理論進行實際驗證,也對中共國家政策提出分析。
上述的假設,在習近平的南海戰略與近年來的區域衝突中,均得以驗證。中共在南海諸島上的建設,象徵著已由傳統陸權強國向海洋國家邁進。中共的海軍發展,也與國家的大戰略逐漸嵌合,軍事與經濟層面相互融合。中共的崛起與美國的抵制、區域內國家的避險與區域外國家的干預、國際規範的仲裁與國家主權的聲索,使得南海區域,成為當今國際政治權力平衡的縮影。 It has been commonly recognized that the People’s Republic of China is a regional and military power after 21st century, and it has also been highly concerned that what kind of a power the PRC will be. As the 5th national leader of the PRC, Xi jinping comes up with a brand new grand strategy, and he has to deal with the challenge mainly from the United States simultaneously. The dissertation tries to analyze the PRC’s regional strtegy in the South China Sea with the methods Chinese macro history, Chinese Strategic culture, and international relations theory. The dissertation tires to answer three hypotheses: The circle of Chinese macro history; the corelations between the total power of the PRC and its strategic deployment; and the norms from international regime and Xi’s response. The dissertation not only verifes the academic theory, but offers predictions of national policies of the PRC.
The research question of the dissertation is that whether the PRC is congruent with the trace of Chinese macro history. That is, when the its power grows gradually, the PRC will utilize the total power, including military power, to achieve its strategic purpose, and to become a sea power. Meanwhile, the PRC will make correction according to international environment, and it will escalate the intension with the United States and its surrounding Southeast neighbors when the strength is enough. The development of the situation lives up to the enduring Chinese strategic culture, and the South China Sea is a matchless laboratory.
In Chinese history, the comprehensive power has a direct influence on the national strategies of all dynasties, and the influence has its circulation. Based on the diplomatic policies of the leaders of the PRC, including Xi Jinping, they are not the exception of the circulation. The characteristic of “collaborate with other countries when they are strong, but fight against them when they are weak” can be verified in the evolution of the national strategy of the PRC.
Moreover, the PRC has become the follower and participant of international norms. Even faced with the pressure mainly from the U.S., and the legal challenge against the sovereignty of the South China Sea from the International Law, the PRC does not resist them with revisionism. Instead, it establishes the legality with international norms, and make advantageous elaborations to defend national interest.
The hypotheses mentioned above have been verified in Xi’s strategy in the South China Sea and the regional conflicts in recent years. The constructions of the islets of the South China Sea symbolize the transformation from a traditional land power to a sea power. The development of the PRC navy has been integrated with its grand strategy. The rise of the PRC and the counteraction of the U.S., the hedging of the countries inside the region and the invention of the ones outside, and the arbitration of international norms and the claim of national sovereignty, have made the South China Sea become the epitome of modern international politics. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 外交學系 101253501 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900348 |
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