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    Title: 癌症病人術前憂慮量表之編製與心理計量特性
    Development and Psychometric Properties of the Preoperative Cancer Patient’s Worry Scale (PCPWS)
    Authors: 李昀芷
    Li, Yun-Jhih
    Contributors: 吳治勳
    Wu, Chih-Hsun
    Li, Yun-Jhih
    Keywords: 憂慮
    Cancer Patients
    Preoperative period
    Quality of life
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:33:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景:憂慮(worry)為「人們面對不確定且包含一個或多個負向結果之問 題時可能啟動之內在心理問題解決的嘗試」。由於癌症病人幾乎均會經歷不確定的治療過程,憂慮應為病人診斷至治療過程常見之經驗。而診斷至治療前常被認為較具壓力,應為臨床介入之良好時間點,然目前卻少有適用於此重要時期之癌症病人憂慮相關評估工具。

    研究方法:本研究重新整理癌症病人憂慮相關量表及臨床實務經驗,編製「癌症病人術前憂慮量表(Preoperative Cancer Patient’s Worry Scale, PCPWS)」。 研究參與者來自北部某醫學中心,共有 348 位入院接受腫瘤切除手術之癌症病 人,其中乳癌病人 173 位(皆為女性),頭頸癌病人 175 位(男性 140 人、女 性 35 人)。病人於手術前一天入院時填寫 PCPWS 量表、情緒壓力、害怕情緒 評估,以及術後 1、3、6 個月追蹤填寫生活品質評估量表。

    研究結果:本研究編製之 PCPWS 共有 12 個題項,探索性因素分析結果顯示具有「社會角色(5 題)」與「疾病負擔(6 題)」兩因素,而「6. 經濟問題」 未屬任一因素,各因素皆具良好內部一致信度(Cronbach’s α = .88 與.87)驗證性因素分析亦顯示本量表之二因素結構(χ2 = 86.82、RMSEA = .07、SRMR = .03、GFI =.96、CFI = .98)具有良好之建構效度。PCPWS 亦具有良好之同時性效標關聯效度,「社會角色」、「疾病負擔」分別與「情緒壓力(r = .52, p < .01;r = .67, p < .01)」、「害怕情緒(r = .54, p < .01;r = .70, p < .01)」具顯著正相關;以及良好之預測性效標關連效度,不論是否控制情緒壓力或害怕情緒,乳癌病人(55 人)術前之「社會角色」均能預測術後 3 個月之生理與心理範疇的生活品質;而頭頸癌病人(36 人)術前之「社會角色」則能顯著預測術後 1 個月社會與環境範疇的生活品質。

    討論與結論:整體而言,本研究編製之 PCPWS 具有良好之信效度,可作為臨床上術前評估癌症病人憂慮之工具。本研究參與者在「疾病負擔」的擔心程度顯著高於「社會角色」(t = 15.59, p < .001),但「社會角色」對術後生活品質則有較穩定的預測。此結果可能反應出癌症病人雖然在「疾病負擔」上有較高的憂慮,但是對「社會角色」的憂慮,反而對後續之生活品質有較佳的預測力,顯示在臨床上應多關注病人在術前「社會角色」部份的擔心。然而由於完成完整追蹤的人數較少,故本研究較難以對 PCPWS如何預測生活品質的歷程/原因有較完整的推論,此部份需有待後續相關研究之補足。
    Background: Worry represents “an attempt to engage in mental problem-solving on an issue whose outcome is uncertain but contains the possibility of one or more negative outcomes.” Due to the uncertainty of the disease and following treatments, cancer patients usually experienced “worry”. However, there were few measurements to evaluate worry in the preoperative period, which had been found one of the most stressful time for patients and maybe an effective phase for intervention. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to develop a “Preoperative Cancer Patient’s Worry Scale (PCPWS)”.

    Methods: Three hundred and forty-eight cancer patients, 173 breast cancer patients (all female) and 175 head and neck cancer patients (140 males, and 35 females), who admitted to the medical center for operation were included in the study. Participants were asked to fill the PCPWS and distress thermometer one day before surgery, and followed up by WHOQOL at 1, 3, and 6 months after the surgery.

    Results: Results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that the PCPWS is composed of two factors “social role (5-items)” and “disease burden (6-items)”, both factors had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α= .88 and.87). The results of the confirmatory factor analysis also showed the PCPWS had good construct validity. As to criterion-related validity, “social role” and “disease burden” both had significant positively relations with emotional distress and fear measures supported the PCPWS had good concurrent validity. The significant predictions of the “social role” to the physical and the mental QOL at three months after operation in breast cancer patients, and to the social and the environmental QOL at one month after operation in head and neck cancer patients supported a good predictive validity.

    Discussion and Conclusion: In conclusion, the PCPWS has good psychometrics properties and is a suitable instrument to evaluate worry in cancer patients during the preoperative period in clinical settings. Although participants were worrier in “disease burden” than in “social role” (t = 15.59, p < .001), but “social role” was a better predictor to QOL after surgery. These results reflected that although cancer patients did worry more about their “disease burden”, but worries in their “social role” was a stronger predictor to their QOL afterwards. Thus, it is important for us to attend to patients’ “social role” worries during the pre-operative period. However, due to the relatively small sample size, the process from “social role” worries to QOL remain unclear. Future study is needed to further clarify the process.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104752021
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900421
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