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    题名: HiSeqGAN: 高維資料的序列合成與預測
    HiSeqGAN: High-dimensional Sequence Synthesis and Prediction
    作者: 田韻杰
    Tien, Yun-Chieh
    贡献者: 郁方
    Yu, Fang
    Tien, Yun-Chieh
    关键词: 高維資料
    High-dimensional data
    Sequence Synthesis
    Sequence Prediction
    日期: 2019
    上传时间: 2019-08-07 16:05:57 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著大數據時代來臨,許多資料都具有高維度的變數,而要如何提升高維度序列資料的預測準確度是重要的課題之一。本篇論文即是結合了深度學習的技術,針對高維度資料的序列提出一個有效合成和預測的新方法:HiSeqGAN。
    本篇論文的貢獻在於利用序列對抗生成網路對結構化資料進行合成及預測,除了可以提供更多的資料用來訓練一個性能較好的遞歸神經網路 (RNN)模型之外,也能有效的提升預測結構化資料的準確性。
    High-dimensional data sequences constantly appear in practice. State-of-the-art models such as recurrent neural networks suffer prediction accuracy from complex relations among values of attributes. Adopting unsupervised clustering that clusters data based on their attribute value similarity results data in lower dimensions that can be structured in a hierarchical relation. It is essential to consider these data relations to improve the performance of training models. In this work, we propose a new approach to synthesize and predict sequences of data that are structured in a hierarchy. Specifically, we adopt a new hierarchical data encoding and seamlessly modify loss functions of SeqGAN as our training model to synthesize data sequences. In practice, we first use the hierarchical clustering algorithm, GHSOM, to cluster our training data. By relabelling a sample with the cluster that it falls to, we are able to use the GHSOM map to identify the hierarchical relation of samples. We then converse the clusters to the coordinate vectors with our hierarchical data encoding algorithm and replace the loss function with maximizing cosine similarity in the SeqGAN model to synthesize cluster sequences. Using the synthesized sequences, we are able to achieve better performance on high-dimension data training and prediction compared to the state-of-the-art models.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106356004
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900564
    显示于类别:[資訊管理學系] 學位論文


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