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Title: | 組織信任對考績面談制度影響之研究--以臺北市區公所人員為例 A Study of the Influence of Organisational Trust on the System of Performance Evaluation Interviews :The Example of Personnel at Taipei City District Offices |
Authors: | 盧姚伶 |
Contributors: | 詹中原 盧姚伶 |
Keywords: | 認知型信任 情感型信任 考績面談 人口變項調節效果 Cognitive trust Emotional trust Evaluation interview Efficiency of civil servants Regulating effect of demographic variables |
Date: | 2018 |
Issue Date: | 2018-02-05 16:08:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公務人員考績制度設計的良窳勢將影響受考人對組織信任的程度及工作士氣,考試為改善公務人員單向考核之缺失,於公務人員考績法修正草案中,增列「考績面談」新措施,提供主管與部屬溝通討論機關的績效目標與工作表現的機會,希望藉此提升考績結果的信度及效度,改善部屬工作績效,達到提升我國文官行政效能的目的,其立意雖好,然而組織革新成功與否最重要的關鍵因素,在於組織成員的信任程度,因為組織成員間若缺乏信任,所有的改革工作都將流於形式或遭遇阻礙。 是以,本研究目的在探討組織信任對考績面談制度成效的影響,其中組織信任係採McAllister的分類,將組織信任區分為認知型信任及情感型信任,而考績面談制度成效則有公平性、滿意度接受度、工作投入、組織承諾。另一項研究目的則在探討人口統計變項(性別、年齡、教育程度、官等、年資、機關規模及主管職位)對組織信任與考績面談制度成效間是否會產生調節效果。 本研究以問卷調查的方式,於106年8月5日起至8月21日止,按臺北市各區公所106年5月份薦任、委任公務人員比例,以分層抽樣的方式進行抽測,共發出300份題本式問卷,回收問卷276份,有效問卷為230份,所得資料以SPSS統計分析,研究結果如下: 1.臺北市區公所同仁對主管的認知型信任及情感型信任達中度以上的水準。 2.臺北市區公所同仁對考績面談制度持中度以上的認同程度。 3.組織信任對考績面談制度具有顯著的正向影響力。 4.人口統計變項中除教育程度外,其他人口統計變項對組織信任與考績面談制度成效會產生削弱或增強的調節效果。 最後,依據此分析結果,對組織信任與考績面談制度提出實務上的具體建議,及未來的研究建議,為爾後全面實施考績面談預作準備。 The positive or negative aspects of the setup of a system of performance evaluation of civil servants is bound to influence the level of trust of the evaluated personnel in the system as well as their work motivation. Examinations are supposed to amend the shortcomings from one-way evaluations of civil servants. In the draft for the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act a new measure named “Evaluation Interview” was added. This provides superiors and subordinates with the opportunity to communicate and discuss performance targets and the work performance in public authorities. There was the expectation that this measure would raise the level of trust and validity of the evaluation results , improve the work performance of subordinate personnel and reach the goal of raising the administrative efficiency of civil servants in Taiwan. While the intention of introducing this measure is positive, the key factor to determine success or failure of organisational changes lies in the level of trust from the members of the organisation. If the members of an organisation lack a certain level of trust, reform measures will merely result in formal changes or may be met with obstruction. Therefore, the goal of this research is to study the influence of organisational trust on the efficiency of the system of evaluation interviews. McAllister classification is used for analysing organisational trust, which is differentiated by cognitive trust and emotional trust. The effect of the system of evaluation interviews is based on fairness, satisfaction, acceptance, work engagement and loyalty towards the organisation. A further goal of this research is to study whether the variables of demographic statistics (gender, age, educational level, official rank, length of service, size of public authority and position of superior) have a regulating effect on the efficiency of the relationship between organisational trust and the system of evaluation interviews. This research carried out the study between 5 August and 21 August 2017 in the form of questionnaires. According to the proportion of promoted and appointed civil servants in the district offices of Taipei City in May 2017 a stratified sample test was carried out and 300 itemised questionnaires were sent out. The return rate was 276 questionnaires, of which 230 were valid. The obtained data was analysed with SPSS and produced the following research results: 1.the civil servants in the District Offices of Taipei City maintain a level of cognitive and emotional trust in their superiors which is above the medium level, 2.the level of acceptance of the system of evaluation interviews by the civil servants in the District Offices of Taipei City is above the medium level, 3.organisational trust has a significant positive influence on the system of performance evaluation interview, 4.Except for the variable of the level of education, all other demographic statistical variables have a weakening or intensifying regulating effect on organisational trust and the system of evaluation interviews. Finally, practical and specific proposals to enhance organisational trust and to improve the system of evaluation interviews are made on the basis of the results of this analysis as well as suggestions for further future research in order to be prepared for full-scale implementation of the system of evaluation interviews. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 103921027 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103921027 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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