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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 金融學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/115781
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    Title: 在金融海嘯前中後波動度與跳躍風險在現貨市場與選擇權市場之研究
    The implication of volatility and jump risks from spot and option markets before, during and after the recent financial crisis
    Authors: 鍾長恕
    Chung, Chang-Shu
    Contributors: 林士貴
    Lin, Shih-Kuei
    Chung, Chang-Shu
    Keywords: 隨機波動度
    Stochastic volatility
    Jump risk
    Risk premiums
    Particle-Filtering algorithm
    Joint estimation
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2018-02-02 16:42:02 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文利用隨機波動度模型配合不同的跳躍動態配適S&P500 指數報酬率的變動過程,並試圖解決三個實證問題。第一個問題,平均而言,隨機波動度和報酬率跳躍分別佔了S&P500 指數總報酬率的變異多少比例?而那一個風險對總報酬率的變化影響程度較大?第二個問題,在現貨市場和選擇權市場上,無限跳躍模型的配適程度是否優於有限跳躍模型?第三個問題,投資者在什麼時候會要求較高的風險溢酬?波動度的風險溢酬和跳躍的風險溢酬在金融風暴的前、中、後期或是否會有顯著的變化?對於第一個問題,我們發現絕大部分的報酬率變異都是由隨機波動度所造成的,只有在金融危機爆發初期,跳躍風險造成的報酬率變異才會高於波動度的影響。針對第二個問題,我們採用粒子濾波演算法和期望值最大化演算法,配合動態共同估計,發現「具有雙指數跳躍搭配波動度相關跳躍的隨機波動度模型」和「具有常態逆高斯分佈跳躍過程的隨機波動率模型」對於S&P500 指數報酬率與選擇權有良好的配適能力。最後,對於第三個問題,我們透過風險溢酬時間序列觀察到金融危機爆發後,波動度和跳躍風險溢酬都有大幅增加的趨勢,也就是金融危機之後的平穩期,投資人更容易因為恐慌造成會要求更高的風險溢酬。
    In this paper, we attempt to answer three questions: (i) On average, what does the proportion of the stochastic volatility and return jumps account for the total return variations in S&P500 index, respectively? In particular, which one has more influence than the other does on the total return variations? (ii) Is the fitting performance of infinite-activity jump models better than that of finite-activity jump models both in the spot and option markets? (iii) When will investors require significantly higher risk premiums? Specifically, were there significant changes in volatility risk premiums and in jump risk premiums before, during or after the financial crisis? For the first question, we find that most of the return variations are explained by the stochastic volatility. In fact, the return jump accounts for the higher percentage than the stochastic volatility at the beginning of financial crisis. To answer the second question, we adopt the expectation-maximization algorithm with the particle filtering algorithm and dynamic joint estimation to obtain the stochastic volatility model with double-exponential jumps and correlated jumps in volatility (SV-DEJ-VCJ) and the stochastic volatility model with normal inverse Gaussian jumps (SV-NIG) fit S&P500 index returns and options well in different criterions, respectively. Finally, for the third question, we observe that both the volatility and jump
    risk premiums significantly increase after the financial crisis periods, that is, the panic in the post-crisis period causes more expected returns.
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