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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > MBA Program > Theses >  Item 140.119/111881
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    Title: 個人評價企業執行企業社會責任重要性之模式驗證-以天下企業公民獎為例
    A model verification for individuals to evaluate the importance of corporate CSR implementation - a case study of Commonwealth Magazine CSR Awards
    Authors: 吳柏成
    Wu, Po Cheng
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Bai, Pei Yu
    Wu, Po Cheng
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    Corporate social responsibility
    Common Wealth Magazine CSR Award
    Second order confirmatory factor analysis
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:19:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 許多研究證實企業落實企業社會責任(CSR),有助增進與利害關係人關係。然而,不同利害關係人對不同面向之CSR的態度因重視程度高低而有差異,若企業能以特定利害關係人所注重之CSR面向進行溝通,溝通效果將事半功倍。「天下企業公民獎」是國內CSR獎項的先行者,透過將CSR分為「公司治理」、「企業承諾」、「社會參與」與「環境保護」,邀請專家學者對參獎企業進行各構面的評比。此獎深耕台灣,許多企業視此獎為自身CSR的年度總體檢。
    Companies nowadays face an ever more difficult environment and more demanding stakeholders. This means corporate social responsibility has become a new area offering opportunity for reducing risks and developing new competitive advantages. Previous research has shown that corporate social responsibility helps companies better communicate with stakeholders and increase brand value as well as reputation. “CommonWealth Magazine Corporate Citizen Award” is the pioneer in domestic corporate social responsibility awards. Its corporate social responsibility (CSR) framework takes four dimensions into account, including Corporate Governance, Corporate Commitment, Community Involvement, and Environmental Protection. Annually, experts and scholars are invited to grade on these four dimensions, and awards are given out to the top 100 corporate citizens. The award is in its 11th consecutive year. With its long tradition and reputation, many companies regard this award as the annual examination for their corporate social responsibility practices.
    From the customers’ perspective, this study examines whether the four dimensions given by CommonWealth Magazine Corporate Citizen Award can be significant indicators for corporate social responsibility, and whether the measuring questions truly reflect each dimension. Next, it moves on to examine the relative importance for consumers of the four dimensions, including cross-industry comparison. By including the financial industry, the manufacturing industry and the service industry, it examines whether people would rank the four dimensions in a different order according to different industries. Finally, by applying Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), it analyses the dimensions for three representative corporations in each industry (E. Sun Financial Holdings Company, ASUSTEK Computer Inc, and Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.) Based on these findings, suggestions for improvement are made.
    With 344 valid online questionnaires (115 in the financial industry, 117 in the manufacturing industry, 112 in the service industy) and using second-order CFA in LISREL, the research findings are summarized as below:
    1. All four dimensions are significant indicators for measuring corporate social responsibility.
    2. The measuring questions for “Environmental Protection”, “Social Involvement” and “Corporate Governance” dimensions are all significant indicators for their respective dimensions. However, two measuring questions in “Corporate Commitment” do not provide sufficient explanation of this dimension.
    3. People rank in the order of importance the four dimensions of corporate social responsibility as follows: Corporate Commitment, Corporate Governance, Environmental Protection, and Community Involvement.
    4. In the cross-industry comparison, “Corporate Commitment” ranks the most or second most important dimension for consumers. Companies are advised to communicate with consumers through activities in this dimension.
    5. Consumers place great value on “Corporate Commitment”, while E. Sun Financial Holdings Company and ASUSTEK Computer Inc perform poorly in this dimension. Suggestions are given as to better prioritize the practice of this dimension.
    6. “Community Involvement” shows high performance, while consumers actually do not place that much importance on it. Thus, it is recommended that resources should be reorganized.
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