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    Title: 玻璃天花板效應之研究─以金融業、科技業、營建業的個案為例
    Glass ceiling in industries: finance, technology & construction
    Authors: 蘇瑞福
    Contributors: 劉梅君
    Keywords: 玻璃天花板效應
    Glass ceiling effect
    Industry characteristics
    Gender ratio
    Gender role
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2017-08-10 10:02:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現代社會越來越多女性投入職場,然而,當女性在組織中工作一段時間後,發現在職場的升遷上遇到了玻璃天花板,過去也有許多文獻不斷地在探討女性在職場上的玻璃天花板效應。本研究從不同男女比例的角度切入,挑選三個不同男女比例的代表性產業,在每一家代表性大型公司當中,訪談該公司的高階女性主管與女性基層員工,藉此了解不同性別比例的產業當中,女性在升遷的過程所遭遇到的玻璃天花板效應有哪些?產業性質的差異是否會讓女性遭遇到的玻璃天花板效有所不同?成功升遷的女性在遭遇玻璃天花板時,是採用哪些突破策略?

    As the female labour force gradually takes more important parts in the modern economy, they often face the glass-ceiling when progressing within the company. This thesis analyzes the glass-ceiling effect by industry sectors, gender ratio and management levels to explore the different varieties of glass ceiling female employees are facing. The crucial inquiries includes what are the different glass ceiling female usually faces, how is the nature of the sectors effects promotions and what strategies female employee adopt when they face glass ceiling. By investigating finance, technology and construction sectors, the research tries to see how the three variables interweave their professional experiences adapting to glass ceiling.

    Indeed there are different difficulties for women when it comes to their career promotions. The thesis has made four findings. First, the impact of gender factors still exists. Second, women in certain industries or departments which do not emphasize masculinity can indeed break the glass ceiling. Third, family is still one of the major concerns that influence working performance. Finally, cultivating connections, building self-confidence and keeping on learning can gradually help break glass ceiling. It is important for organizations to establish a system to ensure women`s promotion opportunity. The paper concludes with advices for government policy, business management and individual empowerment to undermine glass ceiling.
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