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    Title: 人口流動模型的距離效應之探討
    A distance-based modification of spatial interaction model in modelling population movement
    Authors: 梁穎誼
    Leong, Yin Yee
    Contributors: 余清祥
    Leong, Yin Yee
    Keywords: 空間互動模型
    Spatial interaction model
    Population movement
    Change-point analysis
    Intervening obstacles
    Distance decay function
    Date: 2017
    Issue Date: 2017-07-03 14:34:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人口流動具有各種型態。其中包含了遷移、移動、以及通勤人口。在宏觀模型框架下,空間互動模型(簡稱SIM)對於測量人口流動扮演了重要的角色。距離遞減效應為空間互動模型中重要的因子。該效應描述了人口流動的頻率會隨著移動距離而逐漸下降。然而,從實證上,本研究發現人口流動與移動距離的函數,並非在距離上保有恆定的關係。
    Population movement encompasses various forms, such as migration, mobility, and commuting. Spatial Interaction Model (SIM) serves as an important tool to calibrate these movements in the sense of macro modelling. One of the important features of this model is that the number of migrants often decays with the distance. However, we found that this is not always the case in practice and the decay pattern may change with distance.

    In this study, we propose a distanced-based modification to the SIM, via applying the techniques of change-point problem to construct distance functional form. Computer simulation is illustrated to validate the method and the empirical analysis of flow data from Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), and also England & Wales internal migration data also provides sound evidences to support the proposed approach. Note that the flow data from the NHIRD consists of a sample of about one million people and can be treated as a fine sample representative of Taiwan’s whole population (about 23 million people). Our results show that the modified approach is more adequate than the traditional SIM, especially for describing the movements of suburban areas in Taiwan.
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