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    Title: 菲律賓外交政策
    Authors: 懷靜如
    Contributors: 江炳倫
    Date: 1984
    Issue Date: 2016-11-09 16:08:10 (UTC+8)
    序 壹
    第一章 內環境因素1
    第一節 社會結構2
    第二節 民族主義7
    第三節 民主與政治穩定19
    第二章 菲律賓與美國的親密關係33
    第一節 特殊關係的建立與演變33
    第二節 經濟利益41
    第三節 共同安全與軍事防衛60
    第四節 基地問題70
    第三章 參與東南亞次體系活動93
    第一節 亞洲政策93
    第二節 對沙巴 ( Sabah )主權的要求99
    第三節 區域主義與區域組織106
    第四章 外交關係的擴大123
    第一節 在韓戰中的角色123
    第二節 在越戰中的角色127
    第三節 外交政策的轉向―擺脫美國並與共產國家建交137
    第四節 回教徒叛亂與菲政府外交政策149
    第五章 結論163

    表一 ― 一:日本應付給菲律賓賠償額14
    表一 ― 二:日本的賠償額(一九五七年 ━ 六二年)15
    表一 ― 三:菲律賓對日貿易16
    表二 ― 一:菲律賓國會議員對影響美菲關係法案投票38
    表二 ― 二:菲律賓貿易(一九六六年 ━ 八二年)50
    表二 ― 三:美國對菲律賓的援助54
    表二 ― 四:國際組織對菲律賓的援助56
    表二 ― 五:美國對菲律賓經濟援助圖示58
    表二 ― 六:美國對菲律賓軍事援助圖示69
    表二 ― 七:在菲律賓美國主要的軍事設備74
    表二 ― 八:南中國海衝突的範圍79
    表三 ― 一:沙巴地圖100
    表三 ― 二:東南亞新興國家獨立及加入聯合國時間表109
    表四 ― 一:菲律賓人對二個問題的看法(一九六五年五月 ━ 六月)127
    表四 ― 二:具有影響力的回答者對於菲律賓參與越南問題的意見(一九六九年 ━ 七○年)130
    表四 ― 三:Roper 民意測驗(一九六五年)132
    表五 ― 一:緊密/部份連鎖171
    表五 ― 二:適度/全球連鎖172
    Reference: 一、中文部分
    甲、General Reference Books
    1. Abaya, Hernando J. The Untold Philippine Story. Manila: Malay Books, 1967.
    2. Abueva, Jose V., and Guzman, Raul P. de. Foundations and Dynamics of Filipino Government and Politics. Manila: Bookmark, 1969.
    3.Agoncillo, Teodoro A. ,and Guerreno, Milagros C. History of the Filipino People. 5th ed. Quezon City: R. P. Garcia Publishing Co., 1983.
    4. Brecher, Michael. The New State of Asia. London: Oxford University Press, 1963.
    5. Buss, Claude A. The United States and the Philippines. Washington, D.C. : American Enterprise Institute for Public Research, 1977.
    6. Center for Strategic and International Studies. US-Philippine Economic Relations. Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University, 1971.
    7. Chawla, Sudershan, Gurtov, Melvin, and Marsot, Alain-Gerard. Southeast Asia Under the New Balance of Power. New York : Praeger, 1974.
    8. Collert, Evelyn. Southeast Asia in International Politics : 1941-1956. Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press, 1977.
    9. Corpuz, Onofre D. The Philippines. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall; 1965.
    10. Emerson, Rupert. Representative Government in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Withrop, 1955.
    11. Fifield, Russell H. The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 1945-1958. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958.
    12. Fitzgerald, C. P. China and Southeast Asia since 1945. Australia: Longman, 1973.
    13. Golay, Frank H. (ed.) The United States and the Philippines. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1966.
    14. Gordon, Bernard K. The Dimensions of Conflict in Southeast Asia. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, 1966.
    15. __________ .Toward Disengagement in Asia. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, 1968.
    16. The Government of the Philippines. Philippine Claim to North Borneo. Manila : Bureau of Printing, 1963.
    17. Garel, Grunder, and Livezey, William. The Philippines and the United States. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 1951.
    18. International Monetary Fund, IBRD . Direction of Trade.
    19. Jenkins, Shirley. American Economic Policy toward the Philippines. Standford : Standford University Press, 1954.
    20. Kahin, George Mcturnan. Governments and Politics of Southeast Asia. 2d. ed. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1964.
    21. Kanet, Roger E. The Soviet Union and the Developing Nations. Baltimore, Maryland :The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1974.
    22. Leifer, Michael. The Foreign Relations of the New States. Australia: Longman, 1974.
    23. Liddle, R. William. Ethnicity, Party and National Intergration. New Haven :Yale University Press, 1970.
    24. Lightfoot, Keith. The Philippines. New York : Praeger, 1973.
    25. Lyon, Peter. War and Peace in Southeast Asia. London: Oxford University, 1969.
    26. Mahajani, Usha. Philippine Nationalism, External Challenge and Filipino Response, 1565-1946. St. Lucia University of Queensland Press, 1971.
    27. Malcolm, George A. American Colonial Careerist. Boston : Christopher, 1957.
    28. Meyer, M. W. A Diplomatic History of the Philippine Republic. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1965.
    29. Morrison, Charles E., and Suhrke, Astri. Strategies of Survival: The Foreign Policy Dilemas of Small Asian States. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978.
    30. The Philippine-American Relationship: Sixth Annual Seminar for Student Leaders. Manila : United States Information Service,年代不詳。
    31. Pringle, Robert. Indonesia and the Philippines. New York : Colombia University Press, 1980.
    32. Pye, Lucian W. Southeast Asia’s Political System. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, 1967.
    33. Quirino, Carlos. Magsaysay of the Philippines. Manila: Carmelo & Bauermana, 1964.
    34. Rosen, Steven J., and Jones, Walter S. The Logic of International Relations. 3d. ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Winthrop Publishers Inc., 1980.
    35. Rosinger, Lawrence K., and Associates. The State of Asia. New York :Alfred Knopf, 1951.
    36. Rostow, Wait. The United States in the World Arena. New York: Harper & Row, 1960.
    37. Royal Institute of International Affairs. Survey of International Affairs: 1963. Oxford : Oxford University, 1977.
    38. Russett, Bruce M. International Regions and the International System : A Study in Political Ecology. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1967.
    39. Simon, Sheldon W. (ed.) The Military and Security in the Third World: Domestic and International Imspacts. Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1978.
    4o. ______________. The ASEAN States and Regional Security. California: Standford University, 1982.
    41. Smith, Robert Aura. Philippine Freedom, 1946-1958. New York: Columbia University Press, 1958.
    42. Suhrke, Astri, and Noble, Lela G. (eds.) Ethnic Conflict in International Relations. New York : Praeger, 1977.
    43. Taylor, George E. The Philippines and the United States: Problems of Partnership. New York: Praeger, 1964.
    44. Tompson, W. Scott. Unequal Partners. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C Heath and Company, 1975.
    45. Vandenbosch, Army, and Butwell, Richard. The Changing Face of Southeast Asia. Lexington : University of kentucky Press, 1967.
    46. Wilcox. Wayne, and Rose, Leo E., Boyd, Gavin(eds.) Asia and International System. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Winthrop, 1972.
    47. Zaide, Gregorio F. Philippine Political and Cultural History. Manila Philippine Education Company, 1957.
    1. Abubakar, Asiri J. “ Muslim Philippines : With Reference to the Sulus, Muslim-Christian Contradictions, and the Mindanao Crisis,” Asian Studies, April 1973.
    2. Aquino, Belinda A. “ The Philippines Under Marcos, ” Current History, April 1982.
    3. Butwell, Richard. “The Philippines: Changing of the Guard, ” Asian Survey, January 1966.
    4. Cook, C. P. “ The Philippines-Closer Ties With Asian Neighbours, ” Eastern World, May/June 1967.
    5. Current Notes. August 1968.
    6. George, T. J. S. “The Philippines Under Martial Law: The Road Ahead, ” Pacific Community, July 1973.
    7. Henze, Laura Jeanne. “ US-Philippine Economic Relations and Trade Negotiations, ” Asian Survey, April 1976.
    8. Kroef, Justus M. van der. “ The Philippines, Indonesia, and United States Aid, ” Current History, August 1957.
    9, __________________ . “ Communist Fronts in the Philippines, ” Problems of Communism, March / April 1967.
    10; _______________ . “ The Philippine Maoists, ” Orbis, Winter 1973.
    11. Lande, Carl H. “ Philippine Prospects After Martial Law, ” Foreign Affairs, Summer 1981.
    12. Leifer, Michael. “ Anglo-American differences over Malaysia, ” The World Today, April 1964.
    13. Lyon, Peter. “The foreign policy of the Philippines: continuity and change, ” The World Today, December 1964.
    14. ________ . “ Substitutes for SEATO ? ” International Journal, Winter 1968-9.
    15. Mackie, J. A. C. “ Indonesia: a background to `confrontation,’ ” The World Today, April 1964.
    16. Magsaysay, Ramon. “ Roots of Philippine Policy, ” Foreign Affairs, Spring 1956.
    17. Magsaysay’s Reord. “ Presidential Policy in the Philippines,” The World Today, December 1956.
    18. Meadows, Martin. “ Philippine Political Parties and the 1961 Elections,” Pacific Affairs, Fall 1962.
    19. __________. “ Recent Development in Philippine-American Relations: A Case study in Emergent Nationalism, ” Asian Survey, June 1965.
    20. Mejul, Cesar Adib. “ The Role of Islam in the History of the Filipino People, ” Asian Survey, August 1966.
    21. No Author. “ Indonesia in 1963: The Year of Wasted Opportunities, ” Asian Survey, February 1964.
    22. ________ . “The Philippines’ Role in Asian Strategy, ” Conflict Studies, September 1980.
    23. Noble, Lela G. “ The National Interest and National Image :Philippine Policy in Asia, ” Asian Survey, June 1973.
    24. __________ . “The Moro National Liberation Front in the Philippines, ” Pacific Affairs, Fall 1976.
    25. __________ . “ Muslim Seperation in the Philippines, 1972-1981 : The Making of A Stalemate, ” Asian Survey, November 1981.
    26. Pacho, Arturo G. “ Ethnic Minority Attitudes and Philippine-Chinese Diplomatic Relations, ” Asia Quarterly, January 1980.
    27. Pomeroy, William J. “ united states military bases in the philippines,” Eastern World, February 1965.
    28. Robertson, Walter S. “ The United States Looks at South and Southeast Asia, ” The Department of Sate Bulletin, August 22,1955.
    29. Scott, James C. “ Patron-Client Politics and Political Change in Southeast Asia, ” American Political Science Review, March 1972.
    30. Sison, Jose Ma. “ prospects for MAPHILINDO, ” Easten World, June 1964.
    31. Solidum, Estrella D. “ Philippine Perceptions of Crucial Issues Affecting Southeast Asia, ” Asian Survey, June 1982.
    32. Starner, Frances L. “Malaysia and North Borneo Territories, ” Asian Survey, November 1963.
    33. Suhrke, Astri. “ US-Philippines : the end of a special relationship,” The World Today, February 1975.
    34. “ Text of text Resolution on Defence of Fromosa, ” The Department of State Bulletin, February 7,1955.
    35. Tilman, Robert O. “The Philippines Under Martial Law, ” Current History, December 1976.
    36. Tompson, W. Scott. “ America Renegotiations With the Philippines, ” Pacific Community, July 1971.
    37. Tregonning, K. G. “ The Claim for North Borneo by the Philippines, ” Australian Outlook, December 1962.
    38. Vellut, J.C. “ Japanese Reparations to the Philippines, ” Asian Survey, October 1963.
    39. Wurfel, David. “ The Philippine Elections : Support for Democracy, ” Asian Survey, May 1962.
    40. ___________. “ Martial Law in the Philippines: The Methods of Regime Survival,” Pacific Affairs, Spring 1977.
    41. Young, Kenneth T. “ The United States and Southeast Asia, ” The Department of State Bulletin, November 21,1955.
    42. Youngblood, Robert L. “ Philippine-American Relations Under the `New Society` , ” Pacific Affairs, Spring 1977.
    43. Youngblood, Robert O. “ The Philippines in 1982: Marcos Gets Tough With Domestic Critics, ” Asian Survey, February 1983.
    1. New York Times.
    2. U.S. News and World Report.
    3. Philippine Free Press.
    4. The Straits Times.
    5. Agence France Presse ( Hong Kong ).
    6. Christian Science Monitor.
    7. South China Morning Post.
    Relation: 國立政治大學
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[外交學系] 學位論文

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