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    Title: 新光、鎮西堡原住民部落森林農業 多功能性之研究
    The Multifunctionality of Forest Farming in Indigenous Communities of Smangus-Cinsbu
    Authors: 許書騰
    Hsu, Shu Teng
    Contributors: 顏愛靜
    Hsu, Shu Teng
    Keywords: 新光與鎮西堡原住民部落
    Indigenous Communities of Smangus-Cinsbu
    Forest farming
    Sustainable Agriculture
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:10:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 森林農業是一種高山農林混種土地利用方式,國外研究稱「複合式農林業」或「混農林業」,其原理是透過農耕與森林空間的妥適安排,能減緩土壤侵蝕、過度開墾、土壤肥力衰退等負外部性,不會危害山坡地水土保持,同時可生產高品質農產品,維持高山部落原住民基本生活。目前森林農業的土地利用方式,雖適合高山空間不連續的地形,但因現行法規命令對非都市土地使用管制之限制,在編定為林業用地上作農業使用即屬違規超限利用,致使賴以農業維生的高山部落原住民遭受打擊。儘管如此,仍有一群原住民努力透過森林農業營造多功能性試圖打破外界長期對高山農業的誤解。
    Forest farming, also called "Agroforestry Composite" or "agroforestry" in overseas studies, is the cultivation of high-value specialty crops. By its proper space arrangements between farming and forest, forest farming can slow negative externalities such as soil erosion, excessive reclamation, soil fertility recession. Besides, forest farming not only conserve soil and water, but also produce natural and high-quality agricultural products. Most importantly, forest farming can maintain the basic livelihood of indigenous people in mountainous communities. Now, although the current land use patterns of forest farming have been doing well in non-continuous mountain terrain, Regulations on Non-urban Land Use Control prohibit people from farming in forestry land. Such restriction makes indigenous people in mountainous communities hard to live, especially for whom depends on forest farming. Nevertheless, there are some indigenous people still making effort to operate the multifunctionality of the forest farming, and trying to break the long-term misunderstand of mountain farming.
    This case study is located in Smangus-Cinsbu Indigenous Communities, which is a successful example of forest farming in mountain areas. Some farmers in this communities use forest farming to produce high quality crops. As their forest farming have been developed, indigenous people take the blame for illegal use of forestry land. Therefore, this study use the analytical framework of multifunctionality to view its forest farming in Smangus-Cinsbu Indigenous Communities. This research adopts methods of data analysis, transect walks, group interviews to explore the limitations and problems of forest farming under current land and soil conservation law and regulations, and finally provide some recommendations regarding forest agricultural development for indigenous communities.
    The result shows that forest farming do well in multifunctionality. First, in the aspect of commodity function, forest farming not only improve food security, but also enhance food self-sufficiency rate of mountain communities. Furthermore, forest farming create many job opportunities, allowing youth to back to the village gradually. As a result, forest farming indirect improve farmers` income. Second, in the aspect of Non-commodity function, forest farming can strengthen soil and water conservation, flood prevention, protect water resources, and improve resource utilization resiliency in dimension of biodiversity. As for social and cultural aspect, forest farming passes down cultural heritage assets, shapes settlement living environment, and guide the development of indigenous communities.
    This study suggests that the current policy limits mountain indigenous peoples’ living in the land use of forest farming. The original purpose of this policy is to reserve the forest by the construction of dams to prevent landslides. However, up to now, it is ineffective, because the dams was filled soon after, and the original watercourse changed, causing non-watercourse collapse under heavy rains. Besides, this dams have weak link with indigenous communities. On the other view, forest farming solve the runoff, prevent soil and rock collapse, which keeps indigenous communities from disasters. Moreover, forest farming can promote tourism and communities development of indigenous people, and generate the links between diversity. Therefore, forest farming is a sustainable land-use patterns, and it is worthwhile to promote.
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