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Title: | 巴基斯坦和葉門的無人機:在美國反恐戰爭中是有效或是破壞穩定的戰術? Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Pakistan and Yemen: Effective or Destabilizing Tactic in the U.S. War on Terrorism? |
Authors: | 善學 Shattuck, Thomas |
Contributors: | 張文揚 Chang, Wen Yang 善學 Shattuck,Thomas |
Keywords: | 無人戰機 無人機 反恐 巴基斯坦 葉門 unmanned aerial vehicles drones counterterrorism Pakistan Yemen |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-01 16:08:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 美國只好在巴基斯坦和葉門使用無人機,做為打擊基地組織及其分支機構的武器。這本研究評估四個美國的反恐目標,是否在這些國家使用無人機攻擊基地組織。這四個目標是(1)破壞,降解,搗毀和擊敗基地組織及其附屬機構; (2)消除安全避難所; (3)建立持久反恐的夥伴關係,和能力; (4)對抗基地組織的意識形態和共振,減少暴力,基地組織攻擊的特定的驅動程序。無人機攻擊葉門和巴基斯坦,當他們不實現任何的這些目標時,以及在某些情況下,反對他們的工作時。無人機攻擊無法有效在定位和消除正確的目標,增加反美情緒和復仇的慾望,在與基地組織戰鬥中葉門和巴基斯的政府表現出無能,並為基地組織有迴盪消息,宣傳利用。美國必須改革使用無人駕駛飛機,才能真正消滅基地組織構成的嚴重威脅,衛護其國家安全和海外利益。 The American use of unmanned aerial vehicles in Pakistan and Yemen has become the sole mechanism to combat al Qaeda and its affiliates. This study evaluates four U.S. counterterrorism goals to determine whether or not drone strikes in these countries can defeat al Qaeda. The four goals are (1) disrupt, degrade, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates; (2) eliminate safe havens; (3) build enduring counterterrorism partnerships and capabilities; and (4) counter al Qaeda ideology and its resonance and diminish the specific drivers of violence that al Qaeda exploits. Drones strikes in Yemen and Pakistan do not achieve any of these goals, and in some cases, work against them. They are not effective at eliminating the proper targets, increase anti-American sentiments and the desire for revenge, demonstrate Yemen’s and Pakistan’s incompetence at fighting al Qaeda, and provide al Qaeda with a reverberating message to exploit with propaganda. The U.S. must reform its use of drones in order to truly eliminate al Qaeda as a serious threat to its national security and interests abroad. |
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