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Title: | 國小字母拼讀法教學與其教學順序之研究 English Phonics Instruction and Its Teaching Sequence for Elementary School Students in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林美瑩 Lin, Mei Ying |
Contributors: | 林伯英 Lin, Bo Ying 林美瑩 Lin, Mei Ying |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 16:10:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本篇論文旨在提供適合台灣小學教育之字母拼讀法(phonics)教學及其教學順序。本研究依循兩個方向進行:其一、係著手研究三位英語學者(Flesch, 1955; Gattegno, 1976; Gunning 1996)對字母拼讀法教學及教學順序之意見;其二、係採問卷法,調查台北市國小英語教師所選用之教材、教學法、教學順序及困難等。研究結果顯示,我國學生適用「分析─合成式教學法」(implicit-explicit phonics instruction)來進行字母拼讀法教學,在教學順序上,則宜先區分「字母名稱」(letter name)、「字母形式」(letter form)及「字母語音」(letter sound)三個概念,在教完26個字母之名稱及形式後,再教字母形式與語音的相對應規則。字母語音的教學順序又以五個短母音(short vowel sound)為先,接著分別是子音(consonant sound)、子音二合字母(consonant digraph)、子音音群(consonant cluster)、長母音(long vowel sound)、母音二合字母(vowel digraph)及r母音(r vowel)。不規則發音之字,則以同音字群法(phonogram; word families)來教學。在開始教字母語音時,也同時教授「視覺字彙」(sight words),藉此彌補許多常用之英文生字卻為不規則發音所產生的問題。 This study aims to provide suitable phonics instruction and teaching sequence for elementary school students in Taiwan. The study is conducted from two directions: First, views from three native English scholars (Flesch, 1955; Gattegno, 1976; Gunning 1996) are analyzed. Second, a questionnaire survey is conducted to elementary schools in Taipei city, to find out the most frequently used phonics materials, phonics instruction, teaching sequence, and its difficulties, etc. The results show that implicit-explicit phonics instruction can be used in phonics teaching. It is also necessary to distinguish the concepts among letter names, letter forms, and letter sounds. It is suggested that letter sounds should not be taught until the letter names and forms (the alphabet) are taught. The teaching sequence for letter sounds is short vowel sounds first, followed by consonant sounds, consonant digraphs, consonant clusters, long vowel sounds, vowel digraphs, and r vowels respectively. Irregular spellings can be taught last using phonograms (word families). Sight words should be taught with letter sounds to solve the problems caused by high-frequency words which do not follow phonics rules. |
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