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    Title: 董事會動機與能力、策略資源投入及經營績效關聯性之探討
    Authors: 林侑正
    Lin, Yu Cheng
    Contributors: 林宛瑩
    Lin, Yu Cheng
    Keywords: 董事會動機與能力
    board motivation and capability
    strategic resource input
    competitive strategy
    operating performance
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:07:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業之競爭策略,對於其生存與發展具有舉足輕重的影響力,而董事會依法對策略負有監督與協助制定之責,以提升企業績效,極大化股東財富。各理論學派也均同意董事會在策略制定上具有重要影響力。故本研究參考Baysinger and Robert (1990)及Pearce and Zahra (1992)等學者的理論架構,納入策略資源投入(衡量企業策略),並依He and Mahoney (2006)之建議,將董事會特性劃分為董事會動機與能力兩部份,探討董事會動機與能力、策略資源投入及經營績效之關聯性。
    源投入(降低成本、行銷、品牌)無顯著影響。而Pearce and Zahra
    A company’s competitive strategy plays a crucial role in its sustainable development. In order to escalate the performance of the company and maximize the wealth of the shareholders, the board should oversee in the process of formulating a strategy and assist when the strategy is under its way. All corporate governance theorists agree that the board has important influence on strategy planning. Adopting the framework of Baysinger and Robert (1990), and Pearce and Zahra (1992), this study takes “strategic resource input”(measuring corporate strategy) into another consideration. This research also divides the board characteristics into board motivation and capability according to the advices of He and Mahoney (2006). The present study aims to investigate the relationship among board motivation and capability, strategic resource input and operating performance.
    Several conclusions can be summarized as follows:
    First, the board motivation and capability is significantly related to R&D strategic resource input while the other three strategic resource input(cost-down, sale, patent) plays little role in this study. In addition, the empirical results don’t support what Pearce and Zahra (1992) claim that strategy will affect the board’s composition.
    Next, the results indicate that better operating performance is associated with higher participation figure of the directors but not the inspectors.
    Next, incorporating strategic resource input into the study enhances the explanatory power of the model whereas the effect of board motivation and capability on operating performance remains the same .
    Finally, the present study suggests that stock holdings of the board and the manager seem to have significant effect on the relationship of strategic resource input and operating performance. In addition, other factors, such as the board scale, professionalism and participation figure, have partial effect on the relationship between strategic resource input and operating performance.
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