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    Title: 中文名詞多義性與詞彙認知歷程
    Multiple Senses of Mandarin Chinese Nominals: Implications for Lexical Access
    Authors: 林千哲
    Lin, Chien-Jer Charles
    Contributors: 安可思

    Kathleen Ahrens
    Yang, I-Li

    Lin, Chien-Jer Charles
    Keywords: 心理語言學
    word recognition
    mental lexicon
    nominal semantics
    polysemy, lexical ambiguity
    number-of-sense effect
    effect of sense relatedness
    effect of relative sense frequency
    Date: 1998
    Issue Date: 2016-04-27 11:13:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文以語意學、認知語言學及心理語言學的觀點,探討中文名詞的多義現象。本篇論文討論詞彙多重意義的語言及心理語言表徵,並研究詞義如何在心理詞彙庫中被擷取。
    This thesis studies the multiple senses of Chinese nominals from semantic, cognitive linguistic, and psycholinguistic viewpoints. It discusses the linguistic and psycholinguistic representations of a word`s multiple senses, and the access of these senses in the mental lexicon.
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