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Title: | 賦能策略應用於機關組織之研究 The Research of Empowerment Strategy Applied in Organization |
Authors: | 林秀聰 Lin, Hsiou-Tsung |
Contributors: | 吳瓊恩 Wu, Chyung-En 林秀聰 Lin, Hsiou-Tsung |
Keywords: | 賦能 授權 分享權力 疏離感 由組織所引發的無助感 使有能力 涉入 自我能力 Empowerment Delegation Power sharing Alienation Organizationally induced helplessness Enable Involvement Self-efficacy |
Date: | 1998 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-22 15:12:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 論文摘要 Empowerment is generally defined as enabling employees in the organizations to have more capability,vitality,and creativity,rather than given them necessary authority.It is also a process of transforming individuals(that is,employees in organization) full of sense of powerlessness into persons who have much more power of self-control and sense of task ownship.This ownship derives from employees` being able to take more responsibility for doing planning and making decisions after they are properly directed and motivated (that is,empowered) .Beside,empowerment is also a key to success in the process of reinventing government.The reason is that the nations` competiveness,in large part,hinges on government employees` potential,vitality,and creativity.This three important abilities,in turn,can be enhanced by effecting the empowerment strategy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 84256023 |
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