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Title: | 日常生活中的科技實踐:以台北市YouBike系統為例 Practice of Technology in Everyday Life: the YouBike System in Taipei |
Authors: | 呂采穎 Lu, Tsai Ying |
Contributors: | 邱炫元 呂采穎 Lu, Tsai Ying |
Keywords: | 行動者網絡理論 YouBike 公共自行車系統 技術創新 Actor-Network Theory YouBike Public Bicycle System Technological Innovation |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-04-01 10:45:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 市區型公共自行車系統(YouBike)在台北市的發展如何可能?本研究採用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory)的分析取徑,透過追隨網絡裡人與非人行動者的實作軌跡,攤開YouBike自民國98年至今將近7年的網絡鋪陳,並重新檢視YouBike網絡發生轉變的三個關鍵時刻:技術移轉、重新組裝與創造市場。首先,地方政府作為早期關鍵行動者,藉由一連串的轉譯(translate)工作將全球性的問題化作台北市的問題,從而位移(displace)市場、政府與業界的力量,讓YouBike成為問題的唯一解方。而後信義區試營運時期,捷安特重新配置他方(台北市早期河濱與他國)的公共自行車技術要件,展現出技術自由連結(free association)的特性。最後本文主張,民國101年擴大營運後YouBike所經歷的劇烈轉折,乃因其以專業/業餘市場區分,取代了自行車市場既有的通勤/休閒定位,甚至影響到一般販賣低階車款的自行車零售商。從移轉他方知識,到成為全球公共自行車系統典範之一,YouBike案例亦讓我們看見台灣以代工起家的技術能力創新之可能。 How is it possible to set up an urban public system such as YouBike in Taipei? According to actor-network theory, I expose the extending passage of YouBike network since 2009, exploring the trajectories of human and non-human actors involved in the process. I highlight three significant moments of the YouBike development: technology transferring, elements reassembling, and market creating. First, by way of translating the global concern to a local debate and mobilizing triple forces of market, government, and industries, as an important translator, Taipei city government advocated the YouBike as the only solution. Second, the Giant Bicycle applied the experience of public bicycle system learning from the abroad and the operation of riverside bike rental system in Taipei to the trial run of YouBike in Xinyi district. It shows a “free association” of technology. Finally, this study argues a dramatic transition of YouBike happened when the system expanded after 2012. YouBike network creates a new market based on professional and amateur bikers that change a traditional idea assuming the YouBiker’s motivation are only for commuting and recreation. Furthermore, this change even decreases sales of low-end bikes. In the making of YouBike, we see how Giant Bicycle is able to transfer abroad knowledge and becomes a paradigm in the global public bicycle business. It has been forecasted the potential of technological innovation in Taiwan (a country starts from OEM). |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 102254012 |
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