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Title: | 虛實整合對線上購物網站的影響 The Impacts of O2O on the Online Shopping Websites |
Authors: | 黃立宜 Huang, Li Yi |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 鄭至甫 黃立宜 Huang, Li Yi |
Keywords: | 虛實整合 平台策略 電子商務 Clicks -and -Mortar Model Platform Strategy E-commerce |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-27 11:16:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,電子商務產業蓬勃發展,隨著網路購物逐漸普及,購物網站變得更加多元。各家平台除了增加產品品類,也開始著重服務流程。PChome率先推出24H專區,主打下單後24H到貨,隨後,閃電購物ASAP主打台北市3小時到貨,使網路購物平台開啟「速度戰」。物流與金流的相互配合下,網路購物使實體零售業者面臨直接而強大的威脅,實體零售業者紛紛開始轉型,或是成立自家購物網站。本研究將著重在實體零售業者如何在電子商務爆炸的環境中另尋出路,以家電零售通路-燦坤作為研究對象,深入研究燦坤如何整合物流與服務打造「燦坤快3」,從實體零售通路跨入線上購物,並成為台灣最大家用電器零售通路。 燦坤實業以小家電代工起家,進入3C零售通路業一路快速成長,於2004年進入虛擬通路,燦坤實業以「實體通路為核心優勢」發展平台策略,將實體門市的資源運用在網路店,兩方互補以達集團綜效。燦坤網路店運用數位行銷吸引早期第一波平台用戶,持續累積用戶數量達到平台引爆點,網路店的成長動能為提供消費者具競爭力的價格與難以取代的服務,鼓勵消費者在線上直接下單,取得在實體門市購買商品一樣的服務。若以網路店為中心,實體門市所扮演的角色是提供線下服務;若以實體門市為中心,網路店所扮演的角色則是一條全年無休的通路。經過十年的經營,2014年營收為15億,占燦坤年營收的7%。燦坤實業為同業中第一個跟著大環境進行變革的企業,成功掌握「實體門市為核心優勢」的營運策略,把消費者由線下帶至線上,再由線上帶至線下,打造3C零售通路生態圈。 In recent years, e-commerce industry is prospering. Online shopping stores became more diverse than before, not only product category increased but also began to focus on service. PChome pioneered 24H arrival shipping strategy, then the other competitor ASAP also provided 3hr arrival service, the online shopping market started “speed war”. The mutual cooperation of logistics and cash flow make entity retailers face immediate and powerful threat, retailers have to make the transition, or set up their own shopping website. In addition to the physical channels, virtual channels especially e-commerce are new and popular marketing channel in the recent years. Because there are different advantages and disadvantages of physical channels and virtual channels, clicks-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels, combined the different characteristics and advantages is advanced. This study will focus on how a appliances retailer - Tsannkuen to find a new way of e-commerce and do the click-and-mortar model which integrates physical and virtual channels. Especially how to integrate logistics and services between Tsannkuen and Tsannkuen kuai3 which became Taiwan`s largest household appliances retail virtual channel. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 102363107 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1023631071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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