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Title: | 輸入二手汽車至非洲之商業企劃書 Business plan: Used cars exportation to Africa |
Authors: | 戴瑞飛 Raphaël Delattre |
Contributors: | 吳文傑 Jack Wu 戴瑞飛 Raphaël Delattre |
Keywords: | 二手車 客車 商業用車 Used cars Passenger cars Commercial cars |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:50:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 此商業企劃書是為了探討從歐洲出口二手車到非洲的可行性。 The purpose of this business plan is to determine the feasibility of a used cars business exportation from Europe to Africa for Roufai who is a friend of my half-brother Florent.
In many countries, the economic development is linked to the rise of the automotive industry, which has already started in Nigeria and still be pursued under the Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan. This plan aims at increasing the implication of the manufacturing industry into the Nigerian Gross Domestic Product. However, the increase in the automotive market is mostly due to cars importations (around 100,000 new and 300,000 used from the public figures, and according the official Nigerian state, it is 50,000 new and 200,000 used). And the current production is around 100,000 units of mainly buses and trucks. Therefore there is room to fill in by providing used cars in good condition at a competitive price. The aim would be to answer the growing demand of the Nigerian market first, and then expand the operation to Nigeriaâs neighbours like Cameroon. The company would be in charge of the following operations: collecting used cars, checkout and eventual repairs, exporting vehicles to Africa and importing them in the giant parking of Cotonou (and eventually Lomé) before selling the vehicles to intermediary agent for the traditional channel, and exporting the cars until the final customer for the online channel.
We strongly believe we can achieve our objectives by providing the whole supply chain with very few intermediaries for the online channel and offering a global solution integrating all the services to bring the cars to the giant parking resellers, with competitive prices, good vehicles quality due to excellent supply and reliable repairs, and with a great understanding and responsiveness to the demand using the web. The aim is to gain 0.3% of the Nigerian market share by 2020 and to grow thanks to both investors and banks to reach a net income of 3%. TABLE OF CONTENT
Abstract ii
Outline iii
Table of figures iv
Table of tables v
1. General company description: 1
1.1. Management, ownership and legal representation 1
1.2. Location and structure 2
2. Introduction 3
2.1. Description of the business 3
2.2. Past trends 3
2.3. Current background of target countries 4
3. Demand (market analysis) 9
3.1. Nigeria 9
3.2. Other countries 16
3.3. Deeper analysis of Nigeria 19
4. Merchandise and logistics 24
4.1. Suppliers and merchandise 24
4.2. Logistics 27
4.3. Structure in Africa 28
5. Marketing strategy 30
5.1. Strategy 30
5.2. SWOT Analysis 35
5.3. Competition 39
6. Business development 42
6.1. Market Plan 42
6.2. Business expansion 43
7. Finance and risks 45
7.1. Finance : break-even point 47
7.2. Finance: Projected Profit and Loss 47
7.3. Finance: Projected Cash Flow 49
7.4. Finance: Projected Balance Sheet 52
7.5. Risks 53
8. Appendix 57
9. Reference 60 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 103933063 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103933063 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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