简介:資管系成立於民國73年,為國內率先成立之國立大學資訊管理系。資管系大學部招收雙班學生、碩士班單班學生、博士班則分學術組與產業博士組,為國內最完善之資訊管理人才養成場所之一。 As the first of its kind, the Department of MIS at NCCU was established in 1984, leading and leaded other national universities in Taiwan. The undergraduate program of the Department was expanded has enrolled students into two classes of 80 students since 1991. The Department inaugurated itsWith the graduate master’s program in 1992 and the doctoral program was in set in 1992 and 1996, ; it has been one of the most complete and excellent educational institutes for nurturing MIS professionals.