Abstract: | 本文依照中國金融體系的現況, 針對國有銀行, 政策性銀行, 股份制商業銀行及城市商業銀行等4種不同類型銀行的獲利績效進行比較實證研究. 其中的股份制商銀與城市銀行, 其資本組成除少數仍有國務院持股(即中央政府持股)外, 股東成員擴及地方政府, 國有企業及民間企業, 股本結構明顯較國有商業銀行及政策銀行多元化. 不同的股本結構, 尤其是官股比例(政府持股比例)是否對各家銀行的獲利能力產生影響, 是本文主要研究興趣所在. 本文採用Bankscope資料庫, 涵蓋1997至2004年中國大陸49家銀行的財務及股東資料. 結果發現:銀行股權結構中, 中央政府持股比例越高, 銀行獲利表現越差, 地方政府持股的影響則較不明顯; 而4類銀行中, 股份制商銀與城市商銀的表現遠優於國有銀行及政策銀行. The article studies the profitability and risk of state-owned commercial banks, policy banks, joint-equity commercial banks, and city commercial banks of China. Different from the pure state-owned national banks and policy banks, the shareholders of joint-equity commercial banks, and city commercial banks are more diversified, including central government, local governments, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Our main interests are to figure out the effect of government-owned-stock, central and local, on the profitability and risk of banks in China. Using forty-nine Chinese banks` financial and ownership data retrieved from the Bankscope database, our empirical results show that the higher the ratio of central government owned stock is, the worse the profitability of this bank is. And we also found the profitability of joint-venture commercial banks and city commercial banks is superior to that of state-owned banks and policy banks. |