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    題名: AMI創新政策關鍵因素之權重評估
    Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Innovation Policy
    作者: 梁玉琦
    Liang, Yu Chi
    貢獻者: 許志義
    Hsu, Jyh Yih
    Liang, Yu Chi
    關鍵詞: AMI
    AMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
    Innovation and Public Policy
    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP)
    日期: 2013
    上傳時間: 2014-10-01 13:42:30 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 如何永續發展已成為人類面臨的重大議題,依據先進國外之經驗,透過智慧電網之相關技術,可以有效的提升能源效率與達成節能減碳之目的。在國外建置智慧電網的過程中,往往從先進讀表基礎建設(Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI)切入,AMI對往後智慧電網的延伸發展有很大的影響。

    因此,本研究旨在探討我國未來發展AMI創新政策之關鍵因素和其優先排序。首先藉由蒐集次級資料瞭解主要先進國家的AMI相關發展經驗,以及目前我國AMI的發展現況,再透過文獻探討國家創新政策,並以Rothwell &Zegveld之國家創新政策理論作為基礎架構,建立層級結構,運用模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP ),針對國內AMI之相關產官學人員進行專家問卷調查,並整理出各項政策因素的權重排序,求出影響台灣發展AMI之創新政策關鍵因素。

    The sustainable development has become major issue for human. According to the experience of foreign advanced countries, it can achieve the purpose effectively of improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions through the related technologies of smart grid. In the process of building smart grid abroad, it often cuts into the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). AMI has a great influence on the future extending development of the smart grid.

    Therefore, the study explores the key factors and precedence of AMI innovation policy in future development of our country. First, understanding the relative development experience of AMI in major advanced countries through collecting the secondary data and the current development situation of AMI in our country. Second, exploring country innovation policy through literature review, and taking theory of Rothwell & Zegveld as infrastructure to build up hierarchical structure, and using FAHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process) method to conduct experts survey for relative persons of industry - government - academy of domestic AMI. Then, collating the sort weights for various policy factors. Finally, finding out key factors that affect development of Taiwan’s AMI innovation policy.

    From the empirical results of the research shows that the most important relative weights in three main policy dimensions of the hierarchy is the “environmental surface”. The relative total weights of “public service”, “information service” ,“regulation control” and “political strategic policies” are the highest among twelve policies. They are key factor of most urgent priority for government to consider among developing AMI innovation policies in current Taiwan.
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